Faculty Profile for Dr. Vance Lesseig

Dr. Vance Lesseig
Associate Professor — Finance & Economics
MCOY 311
phone: (512) 245-6726
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Payne, J., Alanis, E., Lessieg, V., & Quijano, M. (n.d.). Can Machine Learning Methods Predict Beta? Applied Economics.
- Chittenden, W. T., Lesseig, V., & Moon, K. (2018). Do Interest-Only Mortgages Really Make Sense for Investors? Journal of Personal Finance, 17(1), 21–31.
- Lesseig, V., & Payne, J. (2017). The Precision of Asset Beta Estimates. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 13(2), 213–224.
- Hood, M., & Lesseig, V. (2017). Investor inattention around stock market holidays. Finance Research Letters, 23, 217–222.
- Kealey, B. T., & Lesseig, V. (2011). Compensation of the Highest-paid Named Executive Officers. PowerGrid International, 89(3). Retrieved from http://www.elp.com/index/display/article-display/2631482108/articles/electric-light-power/volume-89/issue-3/sections/compensation-of-the-highest-paid-named-executive-officers.html
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Teaching. August 2015
- Award / Honor Recipient: Dean Nominee for Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2012
- Award / Honor Recipient: Dean Nominee for Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2010
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching: College Nominee. 2009
- Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Excellence Award, 2008-2009, McCoy College Advisory Board. August 2009
Selected Service Activities
Athletics Advisory Council
September 1, 2024-Present
Assurance of Learning Committee
August 2020-Present
Committee Chair
Assurance of Learning
August 2016-August 2020
MSEC Boot Camp
August 24, 2019
Committee Member
College Assessment Committee
September 2011-August 2016