Faculty Profile for Dr. Christine Kathryn Austin

profile photo for Dr. Christine Kathryn Austin
Dr. Christine Kathryn Austin
Postdoctoral Scholar — Mathematics
DERR 212
phone: (512) 245-8627

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Dr. Austin is a Postdoctoral Scholar at Texas State University. Her primary research interest is focused on how tertiary mathematics students utilize automatic feedback from online mathematic software and how the usage influences student academic success. She has worked on many ​varying projects that have include creating and validating mathematical instruments, the use of 360 video to train future teachers, and the importance of ​implementing group worthy tasks.

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Ellis, B. M., Austin, C. K., Hamilton, C. D., Dvarishkis, B. C., & Melhuish, K. M. (n.d.). Examining Inequitable Talk and Perceived Status During Group-Worthy Tasks in an Undergraduate Topology Course. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
  • Austin, C. K., Kosko, K. W., & Hiesler, J. L. (2023). Mathematics and science teacher educators’ use of representations of practice: A mixed methods study. School Science and Mathematics Journal, 123(1), 14–25. Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12563
  • Austin, C. K., & Kosko, K. W. (2022). Representations of practice used in mathematics methods courses. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education.
  • Gandolfi, E., Austin, C. K., Heisler, J. L., & Zolfaghari, M. (2021). Immersive presence for future teachers: Deconstructing the concept of presence in extended reality environments for preservice teachers. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education.
  • Zolfaghari, M., Austin, C. K., & Kosko, K. W. (2021). Exploring teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge of teaching fractions. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 13(3), 230–248.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Graduate Student Senate Research Award, Kent State University. 2021 - 2023
  • Award / Honor Nominee: Outstanding Graduate Student Award., Kent State University. 2023

Selected Service Activities

Reviewer / Referee
Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
Reviewer / Referee
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education - NCTM
Reviewer / Referee
Reviewer / Referee
Investigations in Mathematical Learning
Reviewer / Referee
School Science & Mathematics Journal (SSMJ)