Faculty Profile for Dr. Eman Arar Abo Zaed
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Dr. Eman Abo-Zaed Arar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas State University, holding a Ph.D. from the Multilingual Education Department at Tel-Aviv University. Her doctoral research, a mixed methods dissertation, focused on the integration of Arab women teachers in Jewish schools in Israel. Additionally, her master's thesis in the same department delved into dialect switching among three generations of Arab Bedouin migrants.With former practitioner experience, Dr. Abo-Zaed Arar has taught language to non-native speakers in elementary schools, mentored novice teachers, and served as an assistant superintendent in the central education district in Israel. Currently, her research revolves around emergent bilingualism and minority dual language teachers within majoritarian education systems.
Teaching Interests
Multilingual EducationESL Education
Language Policy and Praxis
Multicultural Education
Immigration and Language
Research Interests
Multilingual EducationMinority Teachers in majoritarian education systems
Indigenous teachers and teachers of color
Immigration, migration, cultural and language
Teachers in conflict realties and zoons
Newcomers language acquisition and cultural integration
Teachers agency
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Abo-Zaed Arar, E., & Tannenbaum, M. (n.d.). Abo-Zaed Arar, E., & Tannenbaum, M. (2024, March). Minoritized Women Teachers Navigating Segregated Ethno-Centric Education Reality”. Philadelphia, PA. American Educational Research Association.
- Abo-Zaed Arar, E., & Tannenbaum, M. (n.d.). Abo-Zaed Arar, E., & Tannenbaum, M. (2024, March). Understanding Minority Teacher’s Integration and Contribution to Multilingual and Multicultural Education In Ethno-Centric Education System. Philadelphia, PA. American Educational Research Association.
- Arar, K., Abo-Zaed Arar, E., & Corine, B. (n.d.). Arar, K., Abo-Zaed Arar, E., Brionn, C., & Saiti, A. (2024, March). Culturally Proficient Leadership: Equipping Educators to Serve Refugee Students. Philadelphia, PA. American Educational Research Association. Retrieved from 340 Mary Max Cir
- Abo-Zaed Arar, E. (n.d.). Abo-Zaed Arar, E. (2024, March). Indigenous Women Minority Teachers Induction to Majoritarian Segregated Education System: Comparison between Minority and Majority Teachers’ Perception. Florida: Miami. Comparative and International Society.
- Arar, K., Guajardo, M., Saiti, A., & Abo-Zaed Arar, E. (2023). Arar, K., Guajardo, M., Saiti, A., & Abo-Zaed Arar, E. (2023). Relational assurance in higher education in the knowledge technology era: The case of postgraduate program of educational leadership. Power and Education, 17577438231218376. Power and Education. https://doi.org/17577438231218376