Faculty Profile for Dr. Shane Wallace Reid
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Anglin, A. H., Reid, S. W., & Short, J. C. (2023). More Than One Way to Tell a Story: A Configurational Approach to Storytelling in Crowdfunding. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, 47(2), 461–494. https://doi.org/10.1177/10422587221082679
- Reid, S. W., McKenny, A. F., & Short, J. C. (2023). Synthesizing Best Practices for Conducting Dictionary-Based Computerized Text Analysis Research. Methods to Improve Our Field (Research Methodology in Strategy and Management), 14, 43–78. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-838720220000014004
- Reid, S. W., Anglin, A. H., & Pollack, J. M. (2020). Leading Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Psychology-Based Approach to Stakeholder Engagement. In The Psychology of Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives (pp. 145–163). Routledge.
- Reid, S. W., Anglin, A. H., Baur, J. E., Short, J. C., & Buckley, M. R. (2018). Blazing New Trails or Opportunity Lost? Evaluating Research at the Intersection of Leadership and Entrepreneurship. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(1), 150–164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2017.11.005
- Reid, S. W., Patal, P. C., & Wolfe, M. T. (2018). The Struggle is Real: Self-employment and Short-term Psychological Distress. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 9, 128–136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbvi.2018.04.002
Selected Service Activities
Faculty Evaluation Development
September 2024-Present
Hiring Committee - Tenure-Track Line
September 2024-Present
The Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Advisory Council (MIEAC)
August 2023-Present
Reviewer / Referee
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
June 2023-Present
Reviewer / Referee
Journal of Small Business Management
January 2021-Present