Faculty Profile for Dr. Reagan Nicole Sims

Dr. Reagan Nicole Sims
Assistant Professor — Department of Agricultural Sciences
AG 211
phone: (512) 245-2130
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- García-Mendoza, A., Vega-Manríquez, D., Cuevas-Reyes, V., Flores-Najera, M., Almendárez-Navarro, F., Felix Santiago, E., … Rosales Nieto, C. A. (2024). Association between colostrum quality, passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulin, and postnatal growth in neonatal calves. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 75(4), 8381–8388. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.12681/jhvms.37201
- Ávila-Tenorio, C., Hernández-Arteaga, L., Vázquez-García, J., Flores-Najera, M., Cuevas-Reyes, V., Sims, R. N., … Rosales Nieto, C. A. (2024). Bioestimulación preconcepcional reduce la duración del empadre en cabras.
- Reyna-Vargas, F., Vázquez-García, J., Hernández-Arteaga, L., Cuevas-Reyes, V., Flores-Najera, M., Sims, R. N., … Rosales Nieto, C. A. (2024). Efecto de la bioestimulación preconcepcional sobre variables reproductivas en cabras.
- Hernández-Arteaga, L., Vázquez-García, J., Flores-Najera, M., Mellado, M., Sims, R. N., Bruner, B. L., … Rosales Nieto, C. A. (n.d.). Evaluating Reproductive Outcomes in Saanen and Alpine Doelings with Suboptimal Live Weight and performance of their progeny. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research.
- Hernández-Padilla, M., Martínez-Lara, G., Vázquez-García, J., Hernández-Arteaga, L., Villegas-Rodriguez, F., Flores-Najera, M., … Rosales Nieto, C. A. (2023). Respuesta reproductiva de cabras multiparas al incluir residuos de panadería en dieta. Retrieved from https://congresorebiza.mx/
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2024 - Present
Selected Grants
- Sims, Reagan Nicole, Solice, Lauren K (Supporting), Brummett, Olivia (Supporting). Meat Judging Team Start-up Funds, American Meat Science Association, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $10000. (Submitted: September 1, 2024, Funded: January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025). Grant.
- Sims, Reagan Nicole, Solice, Lauren K (Supporting). Meat Judging Team Start-up Funds, American Meat Science Association, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $10000. (Submitted: September 1, 2023, Funded: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Reviewer / Referee
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
October 2024-Present
Cattle Show Team
September 1, 2024-Present
Governance Committee
September 1, 2024-Present
Reviewer / Referee
Meat and Muscle Biology
September 1, 2024-Present
Reviewer / Referee
Poultry Science
June 1, 2024-Present