Faculty Profile for Dr. Kevin Miller

Dr. Kevin Miller
Professor — Dept of Health & Human Performance
JOW A151
phone: (512) 245-2951
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Miller, K. C., & Amaria, N. Y. (2024). Body bag cooling with two different water temperatures for the treatment of hyperthermia. Aerosp Med Hum Perform, 95, 1–6.
- Miller, K. C., Amaria, N., Scarneo-Miller, S., Casa, D., Jardine, J., Stearns, R., & O’Connor, P. (2024). Exertional heatstroke survivors’ knowledge and beliefs about exertional heatstroke diagnosis, treatment, and return to play. J Athl Train, 59, 1063–1069.
- Yeargin, S., Grundstein, A., Cooper, E., Cargile, L., Stearns, R., Lopez, R., … Montalvo, A. (n.d.). Wet bulb globe temperature measured on-site as compared to phone application accuracy estimation and the impact on activity modification in high school sports. GeoHealth.
- Evers-Smith, J., & Miller, K. C. (2023). Does prophylactic stretching reduce the occurrence of exercise-associated muscle cramping?: A critically-appraised topic. J Sport Rehab, 33, 49–52.
- Miller, K. C., McDermott, B., Yeargin, S., Fiol, A., & Schwellnus, M. (2022). An evidence-based review of the pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention of exercise associated muscle cramps, 57, 5–15.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for Service, College of Education. 2024
- Award / Honor Nominee: Faculty Excellence Award, Central Michigan College of Health Professions. 2022
- Award / Honor Recipient: Professional Development Excellence Award, National Athletic Trainers Association. 2022
- Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Educator Award, Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association. March 2022
- Award / Honor Recipient: DeLoss Brubaker Student Writing Award, National Athletic Trainers Association. June 2020
Selected Grants
- Alvesteffer, Olivia, Gremel, Megan, Daoust, Abigail, Miller, Kevin C. Falmouth Road Race Research, CMU Athletic Training Program, $1500. (Funded: August 2022). Grant.
- Miller, Kevin C. Validity and Reliability of Predictive Wear Garments, Predictive Wear LLC, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $190000. (Submitted: October 2022, Funded: October 9, 2022 - December 31, 2023). Grant.
- Miller, Kevin C. Cooling Rates of the Polar Life Pod and Immersion Tub, Polar Products, Inc., Private / Foundation / Corporate, $97847. (Submitted: July 21, 2021, Funded: July 23, 2021 - May 14, 2022). Grant.
- Miller, Kevin C (Principal). Premier Display Grant., Other, Institutional (Higher Ed), $800. (Submitted: 2020, Funded: 2020 - 2021). Grant.
- Zickmund, Courtney (Principal), Miller, Kevin C. Validity of sweat rate estimates using various durations of exercise, Other, Institutional (Higher Ed), $500. (Funded: April 2020 - May 2021). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
South Padre Athletic Training Seminar Planning Committee
January 2024-Present
Reviewer / Referee
December 2023-Present
COE Principal Investigator Working Group
November 2023-Present
University Principal Investigators Council
November 2023-Present
College of Education Review Committee
November 2023-Present