Faculty Profile for Dr. Shannon Rader Herrin

Dr. Shannon Rader Herrin
Assistant Professor — Department of Physical Therapy
WILW 345
phone: (512) 716-2659
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Dr. Shannon Herrin, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at Texas State University, has over 20 years of experience as a physical therapist working primarily with clients in outpatient orthopedic and aquatic settings. In addition to previously serving as a supervisor for a large private physical therapy clinic in Southwest Austin, Dr. Herrin possesses ten years of teaching and leadership experience in higher education. Dr. Herrin received her Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Sciences and Master of Physical Therapy degrees from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. She later completed her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree at Boston University and earned a Doctorate in Leadership in Higher Education at Hardin-Simmons University.Teaching Interests
Dr. Herrin’s teaching interests include physical therapy therapeutic interventions, patient care skills, leadership and management, and health promotion and wellness.Research Interests
Dr. Herrin’s research interests include interprofessional education, interprofessional professionalism, student engagement through innovative instructional methods, and factors contributing to resiliency in faculty and students.Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Gibbs, K. A., Trad, M. L., & Herrin, S. R. (2024). Making Reflection Assignments Meaningful and Enjoyable for Health Professions Students and Faculty. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 22(4). Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/ijahsp/vol22/iss4/17/
- Sawyer, K. V., Henry, N. R., Hudgins, A. M., Herrin, S. R., Gibbs, K. A., & Trad, M. L. (2024). Stimulating Reflection and Creativity in Interprofessional Education Using the Photovoice Methodology. Respiratory Care, 69(Suppl 10), 4137766. Retrieved from https://rc.rcjournal.com/content/69/Suppl_10/4137766
- Herrin, S. R., Sawyer, K. V., Trad, M. L., & Gibbs, K. A. (2024). Using Photovoice to Stimulate Reflection and Collaboration in Health Professions Students Through an Interprofessional Education Activity. Journal of Allied Health, 53(2), 116–121.
- Sawyer, K. V., Herrin, S. R., Trad, M. L., & Gibbs, K. A. (n.d.). Uncovering Academic Burnout in the Health Professions Classroom. Anticipated Publication Spring 2025. Radiation Therapist.
- Herrin, S. R. (2023). Examining Relationships Between Leadership Behaviors and Resilience in Physical Therapy Professional Education Program Directors. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 37(4), 342–350. https://doi.org/10.1097/JTE.0000000000000310
Selected Service Activities
APTA Interprofessional Education and Practice SIG Communications Committee
December 2024-Present
APTA Interprofessional Education and Practice Special Interest Group (SIG)
October 2024-Present
Piper Award Committee
September 2024-Present
Department of Physical Therapy - Community Relations Committee
January 2024-Present
Department of Physical Therapy - Leadership Curricular Thread Committee
January 2024-Present