Faculty Profile for Dr. Jesse Backstrom
Dr. Jesse Backstrom
Assistant Professor — Department of Agricultural Sciences
AG 301
phone: (512) 245-2130
Biography Section
Biography and Education
I am originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have bachelor's degrees in economics and environmental science from Minnesota State University, Mankato; a master's degree in economic from Utah State University; and a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Texas A&M University. Prior to my current appointment, I spent two years as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago.Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Backstrom, J. D., Eckel, C., R, R., & Tangvatcharapong, M. (n.d.). Behind the Screens: Does the Coase Theorem Hold Online? European Economic Review. Retrieved from https://github.com/rarholes/Papers/blob/Papers/DigitalBargaining.pdf
- Backstrom, J. D., & Woodward, R. T. (n.d.). The Nature of Discrimination in Recreation Decision Making. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Retrieved from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3818265
- Bjorn, A., Brander, M., Backstrom, J. D., Gillenwater, M., Langer, L., Corradi, O., … Wakounig, C. (2024). Scope 2 and Market-Based Accounting - Workshop Report. Carbon Management, 15(1). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/17583004.2024.2324813
- Backstrom, J. D., & Woodward, R. T. (2023). Onsite Characteristics and Diversity Avoidance in Marine Recreational Fishing Demand. Marine Resource Economics, 38(4), 435–463. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1086/726025
- Backstrom, J. D., Seither, J., & Ye, K. (2021). The State of the Agriculture Industry in Argentina.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Degree of Honor Continuing Education Scholarships, Degree of Honor. 2015 - 2017
- Award / Honor Nominee: Commencement Speaker, Minnesota State University, Mankato. 2012
- Award / Honor Recipient: E. Dale Peterson Economics Scholarship, Minnesota State University, Mankato. 2012
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence Award, National Society for Leadership and Success. 2011
- Award / Honor Recipient: Babe and Chuck Pennington Botany Scholarship, Minnesota State University, Mankato. 2010
Selected Grants
- Omana Sudhakaran, Pratheesh O (Principal), Backstrom, Jesse Donald (Co-Principal), Chen, Oai Li (Co-Principal), Mondal, Sejuti (Co-Principal). Empowering Communities: Gender Inclusive Socio-technical Co-management Solutions for Nutrition and Poverty in Bangladesh's Seasonal Floodplains, United States Agency for International Development, Federal, $500000. (Funded: November 2024 - Present). Grant.
- Backstrom, Jesse Donald. Blockchain Research, TAM AgriLife, TAMU Colleagues, $5000. (Funded: 2023 - Present). Grant.
- Backstrom, Jesse Donald (Principal). Winner's Curse in Common Value Auctions, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $10000. (Funded: 2020 - Present). Grant.
- Backstrom, Jesse Donald. Postdoctoral Fellowship / Grant, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $170000. (Funded: July 2019 - June 2021). Grant.
- Backstrom, Jesse Donald. Dissertation Grant, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $5000. (Funded: January 2017 - December 2017). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Website Committee
Undergraduate Advisor
Advisor for One Scholarship Recipient (Agribusiness Scholarship)
University Mentor
Bobcat Days
Outreach/Recruitment and Marketing Committee
Reviewer / Referee
Journal of Political Economy