Faculty Profile for Dr. Fereshteh Zihagh

profile photo for Dr. Fereshteh Zihagh
Dr. Fereshteh Zihagh
Assistant Professor — Department of Marketing
MCOY 424
phone: (512) 245-7428

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Zihagh, F., Moradi, M., & Badrinarayanan, V. A. (2024). Brand Prominence Perspective on Crowdfunding Success for Aftermarket Offerings:  The Role of Textual and Visual Brand Elements. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 33, 91–107. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-06-2023-4553
  • Zihagh, F., Moradi, M., & Badrinarayanan, V. A. (n.d.). Analysis of Emotional Cues in the Visuals of Crowdfunding Campaigns. In 2024 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference Proceedings.
  • Moradi, M., Dass, M., & Zihagh, F. (2022). Effective Message Framing Strategies for Crowdfunding Success: The Moderating Roles of Creator Experience and Backer Support. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1–19. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2022.2160481
  • Dass, M., Moradi, M., & Zihagh, F. (2022). Forecasting Purchase Rates of New Products Introduced in Existing Categories. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 11(3), 385–408. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1057/s41270-022-00169-4
  • Moradi, M., & Zihagh, F. (2022). A Meta-Analysis of the Elaboration Likelihood Model in the Electronic Word of Mouth Literature. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(5), 1900–1918. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/ijcs.12814

Selected Grants

  • Zihagh, Fereshteh. Summer Research Program, Texas State University, $8000. (Funded: 2024). Grant.
  • Zihagh, Fereshteh (Principal), Moradi, Masoud (Co-Principal). Research Enhancement Program (REP), Texas State University, $16000. (Funded: 2023). Grant.
  • Zihagh, Fereshteh, Moradi, Masoud, Fisk, Raymond P, Alkire, Linda. McCoy Foundation Faculty Development, $1000. (Funded: 2020). Grant.