Faculty Profile for Dr. Matthew William Logan

profile photo for Dr. Matthew William Logan
Dr. Matthew William Logan
Associate Professor — School of Criminal Justice & Criminology
HILL 109
phone: (512) 245-6503

Biography Section

Biography and Education

B.A., Criminology, Western University (formerly the University of Western Ontario)

M.A., Sociology, Western University (formerly the University of Western Ontario)

Ph.D., Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati

Teaching Interests

Corrections; statistics for criminal justice; white-collar crime

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Hazelwood, A. R., & Logan, M. W. (2024). Theoretical and empirical considerations for examining homicide perpetration among military veterans. In Routledge Handbook of Homicide Studies. Routledge.
  • Logan, M. W., Morgan, M. A., Long, J. S., & Chio, H. L. (2024). Sensitivity for thee, but not for me: The role of social status as a conduit for white-collar prison adjustment. Journal of Criminal Justice.
  • Dulisse, B. C., Connealy, N., & Logan, M. W. (2024). “Get rich quick,” scheme or script? The effect of cryptoculture on the susceptibility of fraud victimization among cryptocurrency purchasers. Journal of Criminal Justice, 94, 102273. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2024.102273
  • McNeeley, S., Morgan, M. A., Logan, M. W., Hazelwood, A. R., & Clark, V. A. (2023). Mortality among individuals released from U.S. prisons: Does military history matter? Armed Forces & Society.
  • Morgan, M. A., Logan, M. W., Wooldredge, J., & Hazelwood, A. R. (2023). Prison adjustment among military veterans: The impact of traumatic events, service history, and PTSD. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: College of Applied Arts - Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, College of Applied Arts. 2024

Selected Grants

  • Logan, Matthew William (Principal), Radmall, Ryan (Supporting), De Franco, Allison (Supporting). Sexual victimization and its correlates: Analyzing trends across prisons and jails in the United States, California State University, San Bernardino, Institutional (Higher Ed), $1500. (Submitted: October 2016, Funded: January 2016). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Marketing Committee
MSCJ Executive Committee
MSCJ Comprehensive Exam Committee - Spring 2021
MSCJ Steering Committee
Undergraduate Scholarship Committee