Faculty Profile for Dr. Amanda Mixon

profile photo for Dr. Amanda Mixon
Dr. Amanda Mixon
Asst Professor of Instruction — English
FH M08
phone: (512) 245-2163

Biography Section

Biography and Education

University of California, Irvine, Ph.D., Comparative Literature (2021)
University of California, Irvine, M.A., Comparative Literature (2016)
Texas State University, M.A., Literature (2013)
Stephen F. Austin State University, B.A., English, summa cum laude (2010)

Texas State University, M.A., Professional Counseling, LMFT track (currently in progress)

Research Interests

literatures and media of 19th & 20th century U.S. social movements; multi-ethnic cultural productions about the U.S. south; institutional & intellectual histories of queer theory; comparative ethnic studies; gender and sexuality studies

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Mixon, A. J. (2021). “Out Long Enough to Be Historic: Racialized Gay Space in Pre-Stonewall San Antonio.” Southern Spaces. Retrieved from https://southernspaces.org/2021/out-long-enough-be-historic-racialized-gay-space-pre-stonewall-san-antonio/
  • Mixon, A. J. (2020). ‘“Not in My Name’: The Anti-Racist Praxis of Mab Segrest and Minnie Bruce Pratt”. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 24(3). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/10894160.2019.1678964

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi National Honor Society (Texas State University Chapter). 2020 - 2021

Selected Grants

  • Mixon, Amanda Jean. American Association of University Women (AAUW) American Dissertation Fellowship, Private / Foundation / Corporate. (Funded: 2019 - 2020). Grant.
  • Mixon, Amanda Jean. Lillian Gary Taylor Fellowship in American Literature, Mary and David Harrison Institute for American History, Literature, and Culture, University of Virginia, Institutional (Higher Ed). (Funded: 2019 - 2020). Grant.
  • Mixon, Amanda Jean. Mary Lily Research Grant, Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture, Duke University, Institutional (Higher Ed). (Funded: 2018 - 2019). Grant.