Faculty Profile for Dr. Samantha Marie Krause

Dr. Samantha Marie Krause
Assistant Professor — Dept of Geography & Environmntl Studies
ELA 139
phone: (512) 245-3912
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Harrison-Buck, E., Krause, S. M., Brouwer Burg, M., Willis, M., Perrotti, A., & Bailey, K. (2024). Large-Scale Pre-Columbian Fisheries in the Wetlands of the Eastern Maya Lowlands. Science Advances.
- Brouwer Burg, M., Harrison-Buck, E., & Krause, S. M. (2023). Raising the “BAAR” through improved method and theory: Reinvigorating regional research on Archaic occupation in Northern. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, 18.
- Garrison, T., Thompson, A., Krause, S. M., Eshleman, S., Fernandez-Diaz, J. C., Baldwin, D., & Cambranes, R. (2022). Assessing the lidar revolution in the Maya lowlands: A geographic approach to understanding feature classification accuracy. Progress Is Physical Geography, (Special Issue on Maya Region).
- Bhattacharya, T., Krause, S. M., Penny, D., & Wahl, D. (2022). Progress Report: Drought and Water Management in Maya Society. Progress in Physical Geography.
- Damick, A., Krause, S. M., & Rosen, A. (2022). Building resilient landscapes in a semi-arid watershed: Anthropogenic and natural burning histories in Late Holocene Tesuque Creek, northern New Mexico. Holocene.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Nominee: Nominee for the s Presidential Awards for Excellence Teaching Award at the Assistant Professor level, Texas State University. February 2023 - July 2023
- Award / Honor Recipient: INQUA 2023 Congress Early Career Researcher Travel Award, International Union For Quaternary Research. February 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023
- Award / Honor Recipient: 2021 Paper of the Year Award (Ellen Mosley Thompson Award), American Association of Geographers, Paleoenvironmental Change Specialty Group. 2021
- Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Award of Honor for Spring 2020, Texas State University Alumni Association. 2020
- Award / Honor Recipient: INQUA Congress Fellowship Program Travel Award (Dublin, Ireland), INQUA Congress. July 2019
Selected Grants
- Krause, Samantha Marie (Principal), Wernette, Shelly Jean (Co-Principal), Radoman-Shaw, Brandon Gregory (Co-Principal), Kilby, James David (Co-Principal), Smith, Heather Lynn (Co-Principal). From Places to Peoples: A survey of geological materials and human-environment interaction on the Edwards Plateau that prioritizes student learning., National Science Foundation (EMBRACE-EAR growth), Federal, $400000. (Submitted: May 15, 2024). Grant.
- Krause, Samantha Marie. Environmental changes in an ancient agroecosystem: a geoarchaeological approach to understanding wetlands in coastal Belize., Research Enhancement Program, Texas State University, $8000. (Submitted: October 2023, Funded: January 2024 - Present). Grant.
- Meitzen, Kimberly Michelle (Principal), Krause, Samantha Marie (Co-Principal). Geomorphic and Sediment Analysis of the Upper Brazos River in Response to Saltcedar Control, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, State, $80102. (Submitted: 2022, Funded: 2023 - 2024). Grant.
- Li, Yanan (Principal), Krause, Samantha Marie. Environmental history in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico, TXST Division of Research, College of Liberal Arts, and Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Texas State University, $3000. (Funded: March 9, 2023 - July 31, 2024). Grant.
- Meitzen, Kimberly Michelle (Principal), Krause, Samantha Marie (Co-Principal). Geomorphic Characteristics of the Upper Brazos River in Response to Invasive Saltcedar Management, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, State, $38160. (Submitted: 2021, Funded: 2022). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Geo and Env. Studies Faculty Senate Liaison
Faculty Senate
January 2024-Present
Board Member
Jornada Research Institute
August 5, 2023-Present
Undergraduate Advisor
GTU (Gamma Theta Upsilon) Geography Honor Society Faculty Advisor
August 2020-Present
Past Chair
Geoarchaeology Division, Geological Society of America
October 2023-October 2025
Reviewer / Referee
Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology
December 2024-January 2025