Faculty Profile for Elizabeth Anne Roan

profile photo for Elizabeth Anne Roan
Elizabeth Anne Roan
Temporary Worker- Professional — Mathematics
phone: (512) 245-2551

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Czocher, J. A., Melhuish, K. M., Kularajan, S. S. K., & Roan, E. A. (2021). Dual Measures of Mathematical Modeling for Engineering and other STEM Undergraduates. International Journal for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 7, 328–350.
  • Czocher, J. A., Sigley, R., Kularajan, M., & Roan, E. A. (2023). Validating a multiple-choice modeling competencies assessment. In G. Greefrath, S. Carrera, & G. Stillman (Eds.), Advancing and consolidating research on applications and modelling in mathematics education (pp. 161–176). Springer. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-27115-1_10
  • Czocher, J. A., Roan, E. A., & Kularajan, S. S. K. (n.d.). Scaffolding Moves for Constructing Cognitively Meaningful Models of a Predator-Prey Scenario. PRIMUS.
  • Roan, E. A., & Czocher, J. A. (n.d.). Reasoning students employed when mathematizing during a predator-prey modelling task. In H.-S. Siller, G. Kaiser, & V. Geiger (Eds.), Springer’s International Perspectives on Mathematical Modeling. Springer.
  • Czocher, J. A., Roan, E. A., Quansah, A. L., & Baas, A. (n.d.). Calculus is the study of change…but differential equations students need help quantifying it. International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology.