Faculty Profile for Abbey Michelle Hudgins

profile photo for Abbey Michelle Hudgins
Abbey Michelle Hudgins
Assistant Professor — Department of Respiratory Care
WILW 214
phone: (512) 716-2682

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Lindsay, J. E., Hudgins, A. M., & Patel, S. L. (2024). Pediatric Resuscitation, Parental Presence, and Provider Perspectives. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1097/DCC.0000000000000666
  • Sawyer, K. V., Henry, N. R., Hudgins, A. M., Herrin, S. R., Gibbs, K. A., & Trad, M. L. (2024). Stimulating Reflection and Creativity in Interprofessional Education Using the Photovoice Methodology. Respiratory Care, 69(Suppl 10), 4137766. Retrieved from https://rc.rcjournal.com/content/69/Suppl_10/4137766
  • Ari, A., Wang, T., & Hudgins, A. M. (2023). Impact of program components on perceived organizational support in respiratory care education. Respiratory Care, 68(12).
  • Ari, A., Wang, T., & Hudgins, A. M. (2023). Impact of program components on perceived organizational support in respiratory care education. In Respiratory Care (Supply 10, Vol. 68).
  • Gonzales, J. F., Hudgins, A. M., Myers, D. L., Tufano, V. E., Russian, C. J., & Trad, M. L. (n.d.). An Examination of a Student’s Academic GRIT and Mental Wellness Throughout the Advancement of a Health Care Based Program. Respiratory Care, 68(10). Retrieved from https://rc.rcjournal.com/content/68/Suppl_10/3951302

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: 2019 AARC Recognized Preceptor for Oustanding Performance, AARC. August 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Alpha Chi Favorite Professor for 2021, Texas State University: Alpha Chi. April 23, 2021

Selected Grants

  • Gobert, Denise Valencia Newbur (Principal), Smith, Jessica L (Co-Principal), Hudgins, Abbey (Supporting). The Greener Activity Pathway Project or “GAP” project, Environmental & Sustainability Committee, Texas State University, Texas State University, $5000. (Submitted: February 1, 2023, Funded: April 28, 2023 - May 31, 2024). Grant.
  • Lindsay, Judith Elwanda, Patel, Stephanie Lyne (Co-Principal), Hudgins, Abbey Michelle (Co-Principal). Trauma Informed Care: Palliative Care Education and Parental Presence, Emergency Nurses Association, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $500. (Submitted: October 14, 2019). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

WELLCHPs Committee
June 1, 2019-Present
RC Recruitment Committee
July 2023-Present
Respiratory Care Student Association (RCSA) Food Drive for College of Health Professions Student Pantry
October 1, 2022-Present
BOSS Student Scholarships
August 22, 2022-Present
Undergraduate Advisor
Respiratory Care Student Association
August 1, 2022-Present