Faculty Profile for Dr. Tanzima Islam

profile photo for Dr. Tanzima Islam
Dr. Tanzima Islam
Assistant Professor — Computer Science
CMAL 211
phone: (512) 245-3409

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Tanzima Islam is an assistant professor at Texas State University who specializes in maximizing scientific returns through the synergistic use of high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. She holds her Ph.D. from Purdue University and pursued postdoctoral research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Dr. Islam has received numerous awards for the impact of her research, including the Department Of Energy's Early Career Award, the R&D 100 award, the Science and Technology Award from LLNL, and the Presidential Award at Texas State University. Additionally, she is the co-founder of the first research and mentoring platform in Bangladesh, BWCSE (https://bwcse.wordpress.com), which provides research and career development training to female computer science and engineering students in developing countries.

Teaching Interests

High Performance Computing, Systems, Compiler Construction, Parallel Computing, fault-tolerance

Research Interests

My research involves both modeling compute performance and designing scalable data movement strategies for large-scale applications in HPC environments. In the short-term, I am interested in leveraging data-driven analysis approach for comparative modeling with a focus on HPC co-design. My long-term research objective revolves around developing software solutions to ensure scalable performance under resilience and power constraints for large-scale systems.

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Islam, T. Z., & Phelps, C. (2021). HPC@SCALE: A Hands-on Approach for Training Next-Gen HPC Software Architects. https://doi.org/10.1109/HiPCW54834.2021.00011
  • Patki, T., Thiagarajan, J. J., Ayala, A., & Islam, T. Z. (2019). Performance optimality or reproducibility: that is the question (pp. 1--30). ACM/IEEE.
  • Islam, T. Z., Ayala, A., Jensen, Q., & Ibrahim, K. (2019). Toward a Programmable Analysis and Visualization Framework for Interactive Performance Analytics. In International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC) (pp. 70--77). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ProTools49597.2019.00015
  • Islam, T. Z. (2019, March). SCR: Scalable Checkpoint / Restart (SCR) Library. Retrieved from https://github.com/LLNL/scr
  • Thiagarajan, J. J., Anirudh, R., Kailkhura, B., Jain, N., Islam, T. Z., Bhatele, A., … Gamblin, T. (2018). PADDLE: Performance Analysis using a Data-driven Learning Environment (pp. 784--793). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/IPDPS.2018.00088

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Research Millionaire FY2022-2024, College of Science and Engineering at Texas State University. October 14, 2024
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Seminar Award, Texas State University. November 5, 2023
  • Award / Honor Recipient: R&D 100, R&D 100 Magazine. November 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Best Poster Award, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Annual Scholars Poster Symposium. 2016
  • Award / Honor Recipient: LLNL Director’s Science & Technology Award for Excellence in Publication, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. October 2014

Selected Grants

  • Lewis, Karen A, Whitten, Steven T (Co-Principal), Hough, Loren (Co-Principal), Hodby, Eleanor (Co-Principal), Theodoropoulou, Nikoleta (Supporting), Close, Eleanor W (Supporting), Rangelov, Blagoy (Supporting), Islam, Tanzima Z (Supporting), Betancourt, Tania (Supporting), Berry, Joe (Supporting), Finklestein, Noah (Supporting), MacGregor, Meredith (Supporting), Brown, Jed (Supporting), Eaves, Joel (Supporting). Creating Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education, Sloan Foundation, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $249299. (Submitted: September 2, 2022, Funded: January 2023 - Present). Grant.
  • Fulton, Lawrence V (Principal), Villagran, Melinda Morris (Co-Principal), , Bing Zhou (Co-Principal), Mendez, Francis A (Co-Principal), Ekin, Tahir (Co-Principal), Qasem, Apan Muhammad (Co-Principal), Konur, Dincer (Supporting), Alanis, Emmanuel (Supporting), Zihagh, Fereshteh (Supporting), Dong, Zhijie (Co-Principal), Shen, Xiaoxi (Supporting), De Nadai, Alessandro Stevens (Supporting), Zhu, Ye (Co-Principal), Hewitt, Barbara A (Co-Principal), Valles Molina, Damian (Supporting), White, Alexander (Supporting), Dolezel, Diane M (Supporting), Ioudina, Vera (Supporting), Islam, Tanzima Z (Supporting), Lee, Chul Ho (Supporting), Metsis, Vangelis (Supporting), Moradi, Masoud (Supporting), Gao, Ju (Supporting), Li-Jen, Lester (Supporting), Jones, Dustin (Supporting), Pham, Vung (Supporting), Holt, Melinda (Supporting), Kyung An, Min (Supporting), Islam, ABM (Supporting), Cho, Hyuk (Supporting), Liu, Quigzhoung (Supporting), Liang, Fan (Supporting), Topinka, Joseph Baar (Supporting). The Accelerating Credentials of Purpose and Value for the Texas Innovation Corridor (TIC) Consortium Grant, THECB, State, $1450000. (Submitted: November 2021, Funded: February 2022 - October 2022). Grant.
  • Islam, Tanzima Z (Principal). Deep Learning for Predictive Performance Analysis during Application Development, Texas State University, $8000. (Funded: January 1, 2021 - Present). Grant.
  • Islam, Tanzima Z (Principal), Ayala, Alexis, Jensen, Quentin. Proxy Application Validation for Exascale Co-design, Department of Energy, Federal, $40000. (Funded: June 2019 - September 2019). Grant.
  • Islam, Tanzima Z (Co-Principal). Scientific Data Visualization course development, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at Western Washington University, Institutional (Higher Ed), $12000. (Funded: 2018). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Board of Directors
Bangladeshi Women in Computer Science and Engineering
Reviewer / Referee
DOE SciDAC Proposal Reviewer Panel
May 1, 2021-2021
Coordinator / Organizer
International Workshop on Big Data Computation, Analysis & Applications (BDCAA)
Attendee / Participant
NSF OAC Proposal Review Panel
Attendee / Participant
NSF SHF Proposal Review Panel