Faculty Profile for Lindsey Diana Menge

profile photo for Lindsey Diana Menge
Lindsey Diana Menge
Asst Professor of Instruction — School of Family & Consumer Sciences
FCS 101
phone: (512) 245-2135

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Lindsey Menge, MS, RD, LD is the Dietetic Internship Director and a Senior Lecturer in the Nutrition and Foods Program of the School of Family and Consumer Sciences. She is also a registered dietitian and maintains a private practice specializing in oncology nutrition. She completed her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin, and her Masters of Science in Human Nutrition as well as her Dietetic Internship from Texas State University. During her master's program, she completed research with WellCats, Texas State's employee wellness program, investigating the food environment for employees at the university, with the goal of improving the healthfulness of worksite settings. She was awarded the Luxton Fellowship to continue this research. Presently, she continues this work, serving on the Leadership Team of WellCats (since 2019), where she oversees nutrition programming, program evaluation, and ongoing research efforts. She has co-authored a number of scientific articles and has presented research at national conferences.

Teaching Interests

Nutrition-focused career exploration and professional development, integrative and peer learning, evaluation and critical analysis of scientific literature, nutrition physiology, and functional properties of food

Research Interests

Worksite wellness and improving the healthfulness of food environments

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Menge, L. D., Hu, Y., Crixell, S. L., Lloyd, L. K., Bezner, J. R., & Burke, P. J. (2018). Influences on catered event ordering in a university workplace: development and validation of the Understanding Food Ordering survey. American Journal of Health Promotion, October, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1177/0890117118807217
  • Crixell, S. L., Menge, L. D., & Oliver, J. (2019). Perspectives and Assessment of the Catered Food Environment at a University. Current Developments in Nutrition, 3(Supplement_1). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzz051.P04-137-19
  • Sherman, B., Hernandez, A. M., Alhado, M., Menge, L. D., & Salcedo, R. (2019). Silibinin Differentially Decreases the Aggressive Cancer Phenotype in an In Vitro Model of Obesity and Prostate Cancer. Nutrition and Cancer. https://doi.org/10.1080/01635581.2019.1633363

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Graduate Student, Texas State University. 2018
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Graduate Student, Texas State University. 2018

Selected Service Activities

Champion for the College of Applied Arts
WellCats Stand and Move at Work Program
August 2024-Present
Curriculum Development Support
Common Core Curriculum Course Development
May 2024-Present
Undergraduate Recruitment Committee - Nutrition Department
May 2023-Present
Dietetic Internship Director
Texas State Dietetic Internship Program
June 2022-Present
Dietetic Internship Advisory Committee
June 2022-Present