Faculty Profile for Dr. Jose Manuel Garza Jr.

profile photo for Dr. Jose Manuel Garza Jr.
Dr. Jose Manuel Garza Jr.
Assoc Professor of Instruction — School of Music
MUS 101
phone: (512) 245-2651

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Ph.D. in Music Theory, Florida State University
M.M. in Music Theory, Texas State University
B.M. in Music Education, Texas State University

Research Interests

Popular music, metal music, rhythm and meter, video game music, musical meaning, Japanese popular music, post-tonal music

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Garza, J. M. (2021). Transcending Time (Feels): Riff Types, Timekeeping Cymbals, and Time Feels in Contemporary Metal Music. Music Theory Online, 27(1). Retrieved from https://mtosmt.org/issues/mto.21.27.1/mto.21.27.1.garza.html
  • Director, performer, Rock Ensemble at Texas State University. August 2022 - December 2022.
    • Texas State University Rock Ensemble Fall 2022 Concert. December 2, 2022 Railyard Bar and Grill, San Marcos, TX.
  • Director, performer, Rock Ensemble at Texas State University. January 2022 - April 2022.
    • Texas State University Rock Ensemble Spring 2022 Concert. April 29, 2022 Wake the Dead Coffee House, San Marcos, TX.
    • Benefit for the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center. March 31, 2022 Industry, San Marcos, TX.
    • Spencer-Lockett Scholarship Fundraiser. April 3, 2022 Private residence, San Marcos, TX.
  • Director, performer, Rock Ensemble at Texas State University. August 2021 - December 2021.
    • Texas State University Rock Ensemble Fall 2021 Concert. December 3, 2021 Wake the Dead Coffee House, San Marcos, TX.
  • Director, performer, Rock Ensemble at Texas State University. August 27, 2019 - December 6, 2019.
    • Fall 2019 Concert. December 6, 2019 Tantra, San Marcos, TX.

Selected Service Activities

SMT-Pod Production Team Member
Society for Music Theory
October 2023-Present
Public Relations Committee
October 2, 2023-Present
Texas State New Music Majors
January 2021-Present
Center for Aural and Theory Tutoring
November 2018-Present
October 1, 2022-May 2023