Faculty Profile for Dr. Masoud Moradi

profile photo for Dr. Masoud Moradi
Dr. Masoud Moradi
Associate Professor — Department of Marketing
MCOY 424
phone: (512) 245-5261

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Masoud Moradi is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the McCoy College of Business, Texas State University. Prior to coming to Texas State University, he received his Ph.D. in Marketing at Texas Tech University. He received both his B.S. degree in Computer Science and his MBA from Sharif University of Technology. Before coming to academia, he worked in industry as a marketing expert and data analyst. His main responsibilities were combining quantitative methods with big data analytics and using programming to integrate big data into the CRM processes.

Teaching Interests

Marketing Analytics
Marketing Research
Big Data Analytics
Machine Learning
Predictive Models in Marketing

Research Interests

Marketing Strategy
Big Data Analytics
Digital/Online Marketing
Empirical Modeling

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Moradi, M., Dass, M., Arnett, D., & Badrinarayanan, V. A. (2023). The Time-Varying Effects of Rhetorical Signals in Crowdfunding Campaigns. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1–29. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/s11747-023-00943-5
  • Zihagh, F., Moradi, M., & Badrinarayanan, V. A. (2023). Brand Prominence Perspective on Crowdfunding Success for Aftermarket Offerings:  The Role of Textual and Visual Brand Elements. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 33, 91–107. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-06-2023-4553
  • Suh, T., & Moradi, M. (2023). Transferring in-store experience to online: An omnichannel strategy for DIY customers’ enhanced brand resonance and co-creative actions. Journal of Business Research, 168. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114237
  • Moradi, M., Dass, M., & Kumar, P. (2023). Differential Effects of Analytical Content versus Emotional Rhetorical Style on Review Helpfulness. Journal of Business Research, 154. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113361
  • Moradi, M., & Dass, M. (2022). Applications of Artificial Intelligence in B2B Marketing: Challenges and Future Directions. Industrial Marketing Management, 107, 300–314. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.10.016

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, Texas State University. August 2023
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University. 2021
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Dean's Summer Research Award, McCoy College of Business. June 2022
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Dean's Summer Research Award, McCoy College of Business. June 2021
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Helen Devitt Jones Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, Texas Tech University. 2018

Selected Grants

  • Zihagh, Fereshteh (Principal), Moradi, Masoud (Co-Principal). Research Enhancement Program (REP), Texas State University, $16000. (Funded: 2023). Grant.
  • Zihagh, Fereshteh, Moradi, Masoud, Fisk, Raymond P, Alkire, Linda. McCoy Foundation Faculty Development, $1000. (Funded: 2020). Grant.
  • Moradi, Masoud (Principal). Research Enhancement Program (REP), Texas State University, $8000. (Funded: 2019). Grant.
  • Fulton, Lawrence V (Principal), Villagran, Melinda Morris (Co-Principal), , Bing Zhou (Co-Principal), Mendez, Francis A (Co-Principal), Ekin, Tahir (Co-Principal), Qasem, Apan Muhammad (Co-Principal), Konur, Dincer (Supporting), Alanis, Emmanuel (Supporting), Zihagh, Fereshteh (Supporting), Dong, Zhijie (Co-Principal), Shen, Xiaoxi (Supporting), De Nadai, Alessandro Stevens (Supporting), Zhu, Ye (Co-Principal), Hewitt, Barbara A (Co-Principal), Valles Molina, Damian (Supporting), White, Alexander (Supporting), Dolezel, Diane M (Supporting), Ioudina, Vera (Supporting), Islam, Tanzima Z (Supporting), Lee, Chul Ho (Supporting), Metsis, Vangelis (Supporting), Moradi, Masoud (Supporting), Gao, Ju (Supporting), Li-Jen, Lester (Supporting), Jones, Dustin (Supporting), Pham, Vung (Supporting), Holt, Melinda (Supporting), Kyung An, Min (Supporting), Islam, ABM (Supporting), Cho, Hyuk (Supporting), Liu, Quigzhoung (Supporting), Liang, Fan (Supporting), Topinka, Joseph Baar (Supporting). The Accelerating Credentials of Purpose and Value for the Texas Innovation Corridor (TIC) Consortium Grant, THECB, State, $1450000. (Submitted: November 2021, Funded: February 2022 - October 2022). Grant.
  • Moradi, Masoud. New Faculty Startup Grant, Texas State University Libraries, $1000. (Funded: 2019). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Ad-hoc Reviewer
Journal of Marketing Analytics
Ad-hoc Reviewer
International Journal of Consumer Studies
Ad-hoc Reviewer
Journal of Business Research
Scholarship Committee, McCoy College of Business
September 2021-Present
Master of Science in Marketing Research and Analysis (MSMRA) Admission Committee, Department of Marketing