Faculty Profile for Dr. Hamilton Lee Hardison

profile photo for Dr. Hamilton Lee Hardison
Dr. Hamilton Lee Hardison
Assistant Professor — Mathematics
ELTB 319

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Dr. Hardison has a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from the University of Georgia. His primary research interests lie in investigating students' mathematical thinking as underpinned by Thompson's theory of quantitative reasoning. Previous research has involved modeling how students quantify angularity, how these quantifications change over time, and how they vary across contexts. Other interests include studying mathematical classroom discourse, mathematical modeling, covariational reasoning, and discussing radical constructivism. In general, his focus is on supporting practicing teachers (and students) at a variety of levels. He is currently examining how Gen-AI can be used to complexify teaching and learning with a focus on quantitative reasoning and mathematical imagery.

Teaching Interests

Supporting students (and teachers) in extending their ways of reasoning.

Research Interests

Students' Mathematical Thinking, Quantitative Reasoning, Quantifications of Angularity, Mathematical Classroom Discourse, Task Design, Pedagogically Transformative AI-Usage

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Zolt, H. M., Rygaard Gaspard, B. R., Lee, H. Y., Paoletti, T., Hardison, H. L., Ford, L. L., … Bui, M. T. T. (2024). Modeling students’ strategies when creating a graph: A focus on reference frames and coordinate systems. In Proceedings of the 46th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 695–701). Retrieved from https://www.pmena.org/pmenaproceedings/PMENA%2046%202024%20Proceedings.pdf#page=710
  • Hardison, H. L. (2024). Mentally Making and Measuring Angles. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK–12, 117(3), 217–223. https://doi.org/10.5951/MTLT.2023.0077
  • Hardison, H. L. (2024). Researching Quantifications of Angularity Using Genetic Epistemology Constructs. In Piaget’s genetic epistemology for mathematics education research (pp. 595–604). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47386-9_20
  • Bishop, J. P., Hardison, H. L., & Przybyla-Kuchek, J. E. (2022). Responsiveness to students’ mathematical thinking in middle-grades classrooms. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 53(1), 10–40.
  • Czocher, J. A., Hardison, H. L., & Kandasamy, S. S. S. (2022). A bridging study analyzing mathematical model construction through a quantities-oriented lens. Educational Studies in Mathematics.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, TXST Mathematics Department. 2020
  • Award / Honor Nominee: Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, TXST Mathematics Department. 2024
  • Award / Honor Nominee: Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Texas State University Mathematics Department. November 2023
  • Award / Honor Nominee: Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University Mathematics Department. November 2023
  • Award / Honor Nominee: Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State Mathematics Department. November 2022

Selected Grants

  • Lee, Hwa Young (Principal), Hardison, Hamilton Lee (Co-Principal), Zolt, Holly Marie (Other), Bui, Mai Thanh Thi (Other), Rygaard Gaspard, Brandi Renea (Other), Ford, Lucinda Louise (Other). Collaborative Research: Middle School Students' Graphing From the Ground Up (MS-GGU), NSF, Federal, $293841. (Submitted: October 2021, Funded: June 2022 - May 2025). Grant.
  • Lee, Hwa Young (Principal), Hardison, Hamilton Lee (Supporting). Undergraduate elementary prospective teachers' conceptions of angle measure: A study of an intervention, REP, Texas State University, $8000. (Submitted: October 2019, Funded: January 2020 - May 31, 2021). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Mathematics Education Seminar
January 2022-Present
Reviewer / Referee
Mathematical Thinking and Learning
Reviewer / Referee
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [Books]
November 2023-Present
Advisory Board Member
Co-Constructing a Research Program Through Community Dialogues about Mathematical Storylines (NSF DRK12 Project; PI: Carlos Nicolas Gómez Marchant)
October 17, 2023-Present
Program and Curriculum Committee