Faculty Profile for Dr. Jill Pruetz

Biography Section
Biography and Education
I received a Bachelor's in Anthropology and one in Sociology at Texas State University (then Southwest Texas State) in 1989. My Ph.D. was awarded in 1999 in Anthropology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I studied vervet and patas monkey socioecology for two years in Kenya, as part of my dissertation research, focusing on the influence that food availability had on female primate competition and dominance. I held a Postdoctoral position at Miami University (of Ohio) from 1999-2000, where I focused on assessing the presence and distribution of chimpanzees in savanna habitats in Senegal.Since 2001, I have been the Principal Investigator of the Fongoli Savanna Chimpanzee Project in Senegal, where I have focused on the environmental pressures that influences ape behavior here and how such behavior differs from chimpanzees living in forested environments. I use these findings to try and inform our knowledge of early hominin behavioral ecology. I've studied primates in Kenya, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica and Peru, as well as Senegal. I regularly teach field courses in Primate Behavior and Ecology in Central America.
Teaching Interests
I teach biological anthropology classes and courses specific to primatology. I also lead field schools to Costa Rica to the Camaquiri Conservation Initiative site. I initiated the first primate surveys at this site and am a collaborator on this ongoing research.Research Interests
I have been focused on chimpanzee behavioral ecology in a savanna environment for the past 18 years and plan to continue this research indefinitely. However I have also studied primates in Kenya, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica and Peru, as well as in captive contexts, and I mentor student research in such areas as well.Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Achorn, A., Lindshield, S., Ndiaye, P. I., Winking, J., & Pruetz, J. D. (2023). Reciprocity and beyond: explaining meat transfers in savanna-dwelling chimpanzees at Fongoli, Senegal. American Journal of Biological Anthropology.
- Pruetz, J. D. (n.d.). Apes at the Edge: Chimpanzee Life in a West African Savanna. Chicago, IL, USA: Chicago University Press.
- Pruetz, J. D. (2018). Nocturnal behavior in a diurnal ape: Chimpanzees at Fongoli, Senegal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
- Pruetz, J. D., & Herzog, N. (2017). Chimpanzees at Fongoli, Senegal navigate a burned landscape. Current Anthropology, 58(S16), S337–S350.
- Pruetz, J. D., Bertolani, P., Boyer-Ontl, K., Lindshield, S., Shelley, M., & Wessling, E. G. (2015). New evidence on the tool- assisted hunting behavior of chimpanzees in a savanna habitat at Fongoli, Senegal. Royal Society Open Science, 2.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Honorary Professor of International Studies, Texas State University International Studies. October 2018
- Award / Honor Recipient: Texas State University Regents' Professor, Texas State University System. 2024
- Award / Honor Recipient: University Distinguished Professor, Texas State University. 2023 - February 19, 2024
- Award / Honor Recipient: Texas State University College of Liberal Arts Achievement Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activity, College of Liberal Arts. March 2023 - June 2023
- Award / Honor Recipient: Anthropology Department's Distinguished Scholar, St. Mary's College of Maryland. October 7, 2020 - October 8, 2020
Selected Grants
- Pruetz, Jill Daphne. Ecological Basis of Hunting and Meat Sharing in Female Chimpanzees, National Science Foundation, Federal, $83066. (Funded: August 15, 2020 - July 31, 2023). Grant.
- Pruetz, Jill Daphne. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Small Grant Award for equipment for Galago prey study at Fongoli, Senegal, Iowa State University, $713. (Funded: 2016). Grant.
- Pruetz, Jill Daphne. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Small Grant Award for symposium on resource extraction at ISU, Iowa State University, $700. (Funded: 2014). Grant.
- Pruetz, Jill Daphne. Research Council Grant- Chimpanzees: Nighttime activities, Cave behavior and hunting with tools, National Geographic Society, $60862. (Funded: 2013). Grant.
- Pruetz, Jill Daphne. College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Small Grant Award, Iowa State University, $700. (Funded: 2013). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Board Member
Cocori nonprofit organization
University Mentor
Texas State University
August 2023-Present
Board of Directors
Freedom for Great Apes Sanctuary
Neighbor Ape nonprofit organization
Awards Committee (Masters students)