Faculty Profile for Dr. Shetay Ashford-Hanserd
Dr. Shetay Ashford-Hanserd
Chair - Professor — Org, Wkforce, & Ldrshp Studies
PED 101
phone: (512) 245-2115
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Dr. Ashford-Hanserd is Chair and Professor in the Department of Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies at Texas State University. Prior to joining Texas State, Dr. Ashford-Hanserd worked for 13 years in the high technology (i.e., high tech) industry as a Technical Trainer, Consultant, and Global Training Program Manager with Fortune 500 multinational corporations such as General Electric, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Dell Computers. Additionally, she gained experience as a continuing education and university instructor and a project manager of a longitudinal, mixed-methods research study, which was funded by the National Science Foundation.Research Interests
Dr. Ashford-Hanserd's research agenda primarily focuses on broadening participation in the U.S. P-20 (preschool, K-12, undergraduate, graduate) STEM (science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship, mathematics) and Computing (STEM+C) workforce ecosystem.By integrating research into teaching and service, Dr. Ashford-Hanserd's research agenda is divided into three distinct, yet interrelated, research domains to inform students, community partners, and economic development or workforce stakeholders of evidence-based success factors and interventions.
1. Cultural, community, and historical contexts.
2. Student success factors and persistence.
3. Culturally-responsive pedagogy, interventions, and evaluation.
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Cherrstrom, C. A., Lopez, O. S., & Ashford-Hanserd, S. N. (2022). STEM knowledge in non-STEM occupations: Implications for community colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 46(7), 457–471. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2020.1868359
- Ashford-Hanserd, S. N., Springer, S. B., Hayton, M.-P. E., & Williams, K. E. (2020). Shadows of Plessy v. Ferguson: The dichotomy of progress towards educational equity since 1954. Journal of Negro Education, 89(4). Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/journal/jnegroeducation
- Ashford-Hanserd, S. N. (2020). You do belong! Transformative Black leaders encourage the next generation to excel in U.S. P-20 computing education. Journal of Transformative Leadership and Policy Studies, 10(1), 26–45. Retrieved from https://journals.calstate.edu/jtlps
- Ashford-Hanserd, S. N., Sarmiento, E. R., Myles, C. C., Roundtree, A. K., Hayton, M.-P. E., Ybarra, E., … Maleki, S. (2020). African American experiences in the historic Dunbar neighborhood in San Marcos, Texas: A case study of counter-life stories. Social Sciences, 9(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci9100177
- Ashford-Hanserd, S. N. (2020). Counter-life-herstories: Black women faculty pathways in U.S. computing education. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 26(5), 447–471. https://doi.org/10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2020034494
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant recipient, National Science Foundation. February 1, 2021 - Present
- Award / Honor Nominee: Outstanding Abstract Award, ACTER Research and Professional Development Conference. 2022
- Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching award of honor, Alumni Association of Texas State University. May 2020
- Award / Honor Recipient: Face of AEA, American Evaluation Association. April 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite professor for 2018 award, The Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. November 9, 2018
Selected Grants
- Ashford-Hanserd, Shetay Nicole (Principal), Roundtree, Aimee Kendall (Co-Principal), Sorto, Maria Alejandra (Supporting), Campbell-Montalvo, Rebecca (Co-Principal), Evans, Anthony (Supporting). NSF INCLUDES collaborative change consortia: association of collaborative communities addressing equity for youth STEM+C cuccess (ACCEYSS) consortium, National Science Foundation, Federal, $4912236.76. (Submitted: March 22, 2022, Funded: August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2028). Grant.
- Roundtree, Aimee Kendall (Principal), Goldstone, Dwonna Naomi (Supporting), Herrmann, Nicholas Paul (Supporting), Eger, Elizabeth Kamman (Supporting), Blue, Sarah A (Supporting), Devine, Jennifer Ann (Supporting), Ashford-Hanserd, Shetay Nicole (Supporting), Martinez, Gloria P (Supporting), Mckiernan, John Raymond (Supporting). Engaged Humanities Research Accelerator, ACLS, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $157000. (Funded: June 2022 - June 2023). Grant.
- Ashford-Hanserd, Shetay Nicole (Principal), Feng, Li (Supporting). CAREER: Effects of community cultural wealth on Black and Hispanic women’s persistence in the P-20 computing workforce pipeline in Texas, National Science Foundation, Federal, $920013. (Submitted: August 11, 2020, Funded: February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2026). Grant.
- Ashford-Hanserd, Shetay Nicole (Principal), Daniel, Kristy Lynn (Co-Principal), Garcia, Dana M (Co-Principal). NSF INCLUDES DDLP - ACCEYSS: Association of collaborative communities equipping youth for STEM success (supplemental funding), National Science Foundation, Federal, $14999. (Submitted: May 6, 2019, Funded: December 1, 2019 - November 30, 2020). Grant.
- Eaglin, Phillip G. (Principal), Muoneke, Ada (Co-Principal), Ashford-Hanserd, Shetay Nicole (Co-Principal), Singh, Shailendra Mohan (Supporting). Broadening participation to include African American and Hispanic students with disabilities in computer science learning using voice user interface project-based learning, National Science Foundation, Federal, $1616024. (Submitted: February 11, 2019, Funded: October 1, 2019 - August 30, 2021). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Reviewer / Referee
Journal of Research in Technical Careers
August 1, 2017-Present
Adjunct Doctoral ~ Courtesy Graduate Faculty Appointment (Sascha Betts)
Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education & School Psychology – School Improvement Ph.D. program
May 19, 2022-December 31, 2024
Adjunct Doctoral ~ Courtesy Graduate Faculty Appointment (Courtney L. Mcelhaney Peebles)
Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education & School Psychology – School Improvement Ph.D. program
January 19, 2022-December 31, 2024
Reviewer / Referee
National Science Foundation (Virtual)
February 9, 2017-January 11, 2023
Reviewer / Referee
Department of Energy (DOE)
March 9, 2022-July 25, 2022