Faculty Profile for Dr. Debbie Thorne

profile photo for Dr. Debbie Thorne
Dr. Debbie Thorne
Sr Vice Provost — Office of the Provost & EVPAA
Professor — Department of Marketing
JCK 1060
phone: (512) 245-2205

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Debbie M. Thorne, Ph.D. is the senior vice provost and a tenured professor of marketing at Texas State University. She is a primary advisor to the provost and provides leadership on effective resource allocation of a $215 million centralized budget, faculty recruitment and retention, professional development and faculty success, tenure, promotion, and performance management, accreditation standards for faculty, and the shared governance climate for 2,000 faculty members and academic administrators. Dr. Thorne joined Texas State in 2001 as the chair of the department of marketing and later served as presidential fellow (2005-2006) and associate vice president for academic affairs, with oversight for all curriculum, distance learning, and international affairs (2006-2016). Before joining Texas State, she taught at Mississippi State University and the University of Tampa, where she lead the Center for Ethics toward a $1M endowment, significant impact on ethical programs in a variety of industries, and publication of her first book, Integrity Management: A Guide to Managing Legal and Ethical Issues in the Workplace.

Dr. Thorne received her Ph.D. in business administration from The University of Memphis, M.S. in marketing from Texas A & M University, and B.B.A from Abilene Christian University. She has published many articles in academic journals and is a co-author of multiple books. Dr. Thorne is the recipient of awards for excellence in both teaching and research from universities and professional organizations. Her leadership has been recognized via executive positions in professional associations, including past president of the Society for Marketing Advances and Texas Women in Higher Education. She has been an invited scholar to universities around the world and before entering academe, was in product development and management with Texas Instruments (TI). She was part of the engineering, marketing, supply chain, and finance team that launched TI's first product in the laser printer market. She enjoys international travel, collegiate athletics, and traversing dining and shopping districts with family and friends.

Google Scholar Profile https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LUMqZwgAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Research Interests

Business and society
Ethical leadership
Marketing ethics

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Ferrell, O., Thorne, D. M., & Ferrell, L. (2023). Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility & Ethics. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Thorne, D. M., & Quinn, F. F. (2017). Supplier Resources in the Sharing Economy: Three Regulatory Concerns. Journal of Marketing Channels, 24(1–2), 73–83. https://doi.org/10.1080/1046669x.2017.1347003
  • Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D. M., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility and Ethics. Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press.
  • Thorne, D. M., & Quinn, F. F. (2016). Private Governance in the Supply Chain. Journal of Marketing Channels, 23(1–2), 11–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/1046669X.2016.1147340
  • Quinn, F., & Thorne, D. M. (2014). Effective Communication with Stakeholders. In R. P. Hill & R. Langan (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 108–134). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Contribution to Texas Women in Higher Education, Texas Women in Higher Education. 2020
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Jerome L. Neuner Award for Excellence in Professional-Scholarly Publication. 2016
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Effective Practice Award, Online Learning Consortium. 2014
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Phi Kappa Phi, Texas State University. 2013
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Quality Scorecard Effective Practice Award, Online Learning Consortium. 2013

Selected Grants

  • Thorne, Debbie Marie (Principal). Dana Faculty Development Grant, The University of Tampa, $2500. (Funded: 1998). Grant.
  • Thorne, Debbie Marie (Principal). Dana Faculty Development Grant, The University of Tampa, $2500. (Funded: 1996). Grant.
  • Thorne, Debbie Marie (Principal). Dana Faculty Development Grant, The University of Tampa, $2500. (Funded: 1995). Grant.
  • Thorne, Debbie Marie (Principal). Dana Faculty Development Grant, The University of Tampa, $2500. (Funded: 1994). Grant.
  • Thorne, Debbie Marie (Co-Principal), Morris, R (Co-Principal). Business Leadership and Retention Program, Southwest Texas State University, $10500. (Funded: 2003 - 2005). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Committee on Public Art
January 2023-Present
Committee Member
SACSCOC Compliance Certification Team
Committee Member
Academic Affairs Council
Committee Member
Campus Associate, Association of American Colleges & Universities, Texas State University
American Marketing Association