Faculty Profile for Dr. Sidney Thomas Anderson

profile photo for Dr. Sidney Thomas Anderson
Dr. Sidney Thomas Anderson
Associate Professor — Department of Marketing
MCOY 424
phone: (512) 245-7428

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Dr. Anderson is an Associate Professor of Marketing. He earned a PhD in Marketing (2016) from Florida State University after receiving his MBA (2011) and B.S. in Computer Information Systems (2000) from the University of Central Missouri.

Currently, he is a technical consultant who is adept at migrating data using Informatica, Python, SQL, and advanced Excel techniques. His consulting expertise includes data conversion/migration and systems integration. He consults with firms to assist in formulating migration strategy and creating migration environments. His consulting supports his research interests in marketing analytics.

Prior to entering academia, he gained twelve years of experience in the IT industry, where he assisted in implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

He is a research fellow in the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship working on the SCALEUP program--a Texas State University initiative designed to research the factors restraining minority-owned business growth and develop remedies. His research interests include Marketing Analytics, Health & Wellness Marketing, and Marketing Strategy. His work has been published in Decision Sciences, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing Analytics, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Service Industries Journal, Health Services Management Research, Marketing Education Review, and Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education.

Teaching Interests

Marketing Management, Principles of Marketing

Research Interests

Marketing Analytics, Health & Wellness Marketing, and Marketing Strategy

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Anderson, S. T. (2024). Expanding Data Literacy to Include Data Preparation: Building a Sound Marketing Analytics Foundation. Journal of Marketing Analytics. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1057/s41270-024-00293-3
  • Anderson, S. T., & Anderson, J. E. (2022). Leave Some for Me! The Role of Marketing in Influencing Responsible Consumption During Times of Crisis. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 30(7), 703-721 (Quality Indicators: CABS: 2, ABDC: A, Marketing Dept: B+, Impact Factor: 3.60). https://doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2020.1833075
  • Smith, J., Shockley, J., Anderson, S. T., & Liu, X. (2022). Tensions in the Emergency Department? The Impact of Flow Stage Times on Managing Patient-Reported Experiences and Financial Productivity. Decision Sciences, 53(3), 514-556 (Quality Indicators: CABS: 3, ABDC: A*, QMST: A+, Impact Factor: 2.33, Top Cited Article 2022-2023). https://doi.org/10.1111/deci.12503
  • Anderson, S. T. (2021). Examining the Relationship Between Patient Experience and Readmission Rates: A Profile Deviation Analysis. Health Services Management Research, 34(4), 234-240 (Quality Indicators: CABS: 1, ABDC: C, Management Dept: B, Impact Factor: 2.50). https://doi.org/10.1177/0951484820987499
  • Rayburn, S. W., Anderson, S. T., & Jackson, Y. C. (2024). Healthcare Processes for Parent Participation in Neonatal Intensive Care Units: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Health Marketing Quarterly. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/07359683.2024.2344926

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: McCoy College of Business Administration Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities. 2021
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, American Marketing Association. 2015
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Best Paper Award, Service Industries Journal. 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi National Honor Society. 2018
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Fellows Society, Florida State University. 2012 - 2016

Selected Grants

  • Anderson, Sidney Thomas. McCoy Faculty Development Grant (Designing and Building AI Products and Services), McCoy College of Business, Texas State University, $2950. (Funded: November 2023 - February 2024). Grant.
  • Daspit, Joshua J. (Principal), Wan, Min (Co-Principal), Anderson, Sidney Thomas (Co-Principal), Konopaske, Arthur R (Co-Principal), Lopez, Omar S (Co-Principal). Understanding and addressing the lagging growth of Hispanic-owned businesses, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $406682. (Submitted: February 23, 2022, Funded: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025). Grant.
  • Anderson, Sidney Thomas. McCoy Faculty Development Grant (Data Analytics Training), McCoy College of Business, Texas State University, $3750. (Funded: December 2018). Grant.
  • Rayburn, Steven W (Co-Principal), Anderson, Sidney Thomas (Co-Principal). Service Captivity in Long-Term Healthcare, 2022 McCoy College Faculty Development Program, Texas State University, $6000. (Funded: 2022 - Present). Grant.
  • Anderson, Sidney Thomas. McCoy Faculty Development Grant (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Certificate), McCoy College of Business, Texas State University, $1999. (Funded: October 2021 - December 2021). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Editorial Review Board Member
Health Marketing Quarterly
June 2021-Present
MBA Admissions Committee
October 2019-Present
Subject Pool Committee
August 2019-Present
Reviewer / Referee
Journal of Services Marketing
January 2016-Present
African-American Studies Working Group
January 2017-May 2019