Faculty Profile for Dr. Anton Michael Dochtermann

profile photo for Dr. Anton Michael Dochtermann
Dr. Anton Michael Dochtermann
Associate Professor — Mathematics
MCS 555
phone: (512) 245-2497

Biography Section

Biography and Education

I received my undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley majoring in math and minoring in art practice. I did my graduate work at the University of Washington under the supervision of Eric Babson and Isabella Novik. I held postdoctoral positions at TU Berlin (Alexander von Humboldt research fellow), Stanford (NSF institutes postdoc), U Miami, and U Texas before joining the faculty at Texas State in 2016.

Research Interests

Topological, geometric, and algebraic combinatorics; combinatorial commutative algebra

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Dochtermann, A. M., & Newman, A. (2023). Random subcomplexes and Betti numbers of random edge ideals. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023(10), 8832–8871.
  • Coleman, M., Dochtermann, A. M., Geist, N., & Oh, S. (2022). Completing and extending shellings of vertex decomposable complexes. SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 36(2), 1291–1305.
  • Dochtermann, A. M., Meyers, E., Samavedam, R., & Yi, A. (2021). Integral flow and cycle chip-firing on graphs,. Annals of Combinatorics, 25(3), 595–616.
  • Dochtermann, A. M., & Singh, A. (2023). Homomorphism complexes, reconfiguration, and homotopy for directed graphs. European Journal of Combinatorics, 110.
  • Dochtermann, A. M., Espinoza, J. F., Frias-Armenta, M. E., & Hernandez-Hernandez, H. A. (2023). Minimal graphs for contractible and dismantlable properties. Discrete Mathematics, 346(10).

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Research Award, Department of Mathematics. December 2022
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of Mathematics. December 2020
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Service Award, Department of Mathematics. December 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Texas State Alpha Chi Honor Society. April 12, 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Carl B. Allendoerfer Academic Excellence Award, University of Washington. 2002

Selected Grants

  • Dochtermann, Anton Michael. Topics and in algebraic and geometric combinatorics, Simons Foundation, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $42000. (Submitted: January 2022, Funded: September 2022 - Present). Grant.
  • Dochtermann, Anton Michael. Renewed Research Stay, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Federal, $3200. (Submitted: February 2022, Funded: July 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022). Grant.
  • Yang, Yong (Principal), Keller, Thomas M (Co-Principal), Sun, Shuying (Supporting), Zhao, Qiang (Supporting), Dochtermann, Anton (Supporting), Oh, Suho (Supporting). REU Site: Algebra, Combinatorics, and Statistics, NSF, Federal, $305417. (Submitted: August 2021, Funded: March 1, 2022 - February 28, 2025). Grant.
  • Dochtermann, Anton Michael. Renewed Research Stay, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Federal, $3300. (Submitted: March 2016, Funded: June 20, 2016 - July 20, 2016). Grant.
  • Dochtermann, Anton Michael. University Lecturers Series - Mohamed Omar, Faculty Senate, Texas State University, $2000. (Submitted: February 2022, Funded: October 2022). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Texas State Algebraic Combinatorics Reading Seminar
August 2016-2020
Coordinator / Organizer
AMS Special Session on `Geometric Combinatorics'
September 9, 2017-September 10, 2017
NotSoMath Austin
April 5, 2017-April 5, 2017
Coordinator / Organizer
AMS Special Session on Topological combinatorics and combinatorial commutative algebra
October 24, 2014-October 26, 2014
Reviewer / Referee
Discrete Mathematics
May 2024-Present