Faculty Profile for Dr. David Donnelly

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Close, E. W., Mailloux-Huberdeaus, J.-M., Close, H. G., & Donnelly, D. (2018). Characterization of time scale for detecting impacts of reforms in an undergraduate physics program. In AIP Conference Proceedings: 2017 Physics Education Research Conference. American Institute of Physics.
- Donnelly, D., Mailloux-Huberdeaux, J.-M., Nissen, J. M., & Close, E. W. (2018). Comparison of normalized gain and Cohen’s d for Force Concept Inventory results in an introductory mechanics course. In AIP Conference Proceedings: 2017 Physics Education Research Conference. American Institute of Physics.
- Close, E. W., Mailloux-Huberdeau, J.-M., Close, H. G., & Donnelly, D. (n.d.). Characterization of time scale for detecting impacts of reforms in an undergraduate physics program.
- Donnelly, D., Mailloux-Huberdeau, J.-M., Nissen, J., & Close, E. W. (n.d.). Comparison of normalized gain and Cohen’s d for Force Concept Inventory results in an introductory mechanics course. San Marcos, United States.
- Grun, J., Laming, M., Manka, C., Donnelly, D. W., Covington, B. C., Fischer, R. P., … Khokhlov, A. (2016). Laser-Plasma Simulations of Astrophysical Phenomena and Novel Applications to Semiconductor Annealing. Laser and Particle Beams, 21.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Robert N. Little Award, Texas Section, American Association of Physics Teacher. March 1, 2014
- Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Citizen Medal, Veterans of Foreign Wars. January 1, 2006
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching. January 1, 2004
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University. January 1, 2004
- Award / Honor Recipient: Outstanding Chapter Advisor, Society of Physics Students. January 1, 1995
Selected Grants
- Close, Hunter Garth (Co-Principal), Donnelly, David (Co-Principal). Collaborative Research: Understanding Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Outcomes in Texas, National Science Foundation, Federal, $49998. (Funded: July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2019). Grant.
- Donnelly, David (Co-Principal), Close, Hunter G (Principal), Close, Eleanor W (Co-Principal). Communities and Pathways: Cultivating Science Educator Identity for Undergraduates through an Inclusive Physics Learning Assistant Program and Alignment of STEM Degrees with Teacher Certifications, National Science Foundation, Federal, $350000. (Submitted: January 1, 2013, Funded: January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2015). Grant.
- Close, H. (Principal), Donnelly, David (Co-Principal), Close, E. (Co-Principal). Communities and Pathways: Cultivating Science Educator Identity for Undergraduates through an Inclusive Physics Learning Assistant Program and Alignment of STEM Degrees with Teacher Certifications, Funding Source not specified, Other, $350000. (Submitted: January 1, 2013, Funded: January 1, 2013 - December 1, 2014). Grant.
- Donnelly, David (Principal). Upgrade of the Physics 1430 Teaching Laboratory, Student Computing Resources Grant, Institutional (Higher Ed), $7872. (Submitted: January 1, 2010). Grant.
- Donnelly, David (Principal). Effects of Athermal Annealing on High-k Gate stacked MOSCAPs and MOSFETs, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, State, $100000. (Submitted: 2005). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Presidential Commission on the Run to R1
October 1, 2023-Present
Presidential Commission on Student Success
October 1, 2023-Present
College Curriculum Committee
September 1, 2022-Present
Undergraduate Program Committee
September 1, 2020-Present
College of Science and Engineering Tenure and Promotion Review Committee
September 1, 2013-Present