Faculty Profile for Dr. Yong Yang

profile photo for Dr. Yong Yang
Dr. Yong Yang
Associate Professor — Mathematics
Program Faculty — Mathematics
MCS 461
phone: (512) 245-3742

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Hung, N. N., Keller, T. M., & Yang, Y. (2021). A lower bound for the number of odd-degree representations of a finite group. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 298, 1559–1572.
  • Yang, Y. (2020). Arithmetical conditions of orbit sizes of odd order linear groups. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 237, 1–14.
  • Yang, Y., & Qian, G. (2018). On p-parts of character degrees and conjugacy class sizes of finite groups. Advances in Mathematics, 328, 356–366.
  • Yang, Y. (2015). Blocks of small defect. Journal of Algebra, 429, 192–212.
  • Yang, Y. (2010). Regular orbits of finite primitive solvable groups. Journal of Algebra, 323, 2735–2755.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities. 2022
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Research Excellence Award – Department of Mathematics. 2021
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Research Excellence Award – Department of Mathematics. 2016
  • Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities. 2015
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Research Excellence Award – Department of Mathematics. 2014

Selected Grants

  • Yang, Yong (Principal). REU Supplement, NSF, Federal, $6000. (Submitted: February 2024, Funded: May 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025). Grant.
  • Yang, Yong (Principal). Group actions and group invariants, Simons Foundation, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $42000. (Submitted: January 2022, Funded: September 2022 - August 2027). Grant.
  • Yang, Yong (Principal), Keller, Thomas M (Co-Principal), Sun, Shuying (Supporting), Zhao, Qiang (Supporting), Dochtermann, Anton (Supporting), Oh, Suho (Supporting). REU Site: Algebra, Combinatorics, and Statistics, NSF, Federal, $305417. (Submitted: August 2021, Funded: March 1, 2022 - February 28, 2025). Grant.
  • Yang, Yong (Principal). University Lecturers Series, Faculty Senete, Texas State University, $500. (Submitted: November 2017, Funded: January 2018 - May 2018). Grant.
  • Yang, Yong (Principal). Arithmetic properties of group invariants and orbit structure of actions, Simons Foundation, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $42000. (Submitted: January 2017, Funded: September 2017 - August 2023). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Budget Committee
September 2023-Present
Discrete Math Seminar
January 2023-Present
Program Director
NSF REU Site: Algebra, Combinatorics, and Statistics
January 2019-Present
Reviewer / Referee
AMS MathSciNet Mathematical review
December 2013-Present
Reviewer / Referee
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
May 2024-August 2024