Faculty Profile for Dr. Sharon K Strickland

profile photo for Dr. Sharon K Strickland
Dr. Sharon K Strickland
Professor — Mathematics
Professor — Mathematics
Program Faculty — Mathematics
MCS 578
phone: (512) 245-3444

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Melhuish, K. M., Strickland, S. K., Han, S., & Sorto, M. A. (n.d.). Why Ask Why? An Analysis of Teachers’ Why-Questions in Elementary and Middle Grade Mathematics Classrooms. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
  • Milewski, A., & Strickland, S. K. (2020). Building on the work of teachers: Adding a functional lens to a teacher-generated framework for describing the instructional practices of responding. Linguistics & Education, 57(June 2020). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.linged.2020.100816
  • Milewski, A., & Strickland, S. K. (2016). (Toward) Developing a common language for describing instructional practices of responding: A teacher-generated framework. Mathematics Teacher Educator.
  • Warshauer, H. K., Strickland, S., Namakshi, N., Hickman, L., Bhattacharyya, S., Bartell, T., … Dominguez, H. (2015). Development of Preservice Teacher Noticing in a Content Course. In Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 972–975). East Lansing, MI, USA: Michigan State University.
  • Warshauer, M. L., McCabe, T., Sorto, M. A., Strickland, S., Warshauer, H. K., & White, A. (2010). Equity. In M. Saul, S. Assouline, & L. J. Sheffield (Eds.), The Peak in the Middle:  Developing mathematically gifted students in the middle grades (pp. 155–170). San Marcos, United States: NCTM.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Mathematics. 2021
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Distinction Awards (Teaching), College of Science & Engineering. 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Mathematics. 2018
  • Award / Honor Nominee: College of Science & Engineering Nominee to the Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence. 2016
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Mathematics. 2015

Selected Grants

  • Czocher, Jennifer Ann, White, Alexander (Supporting), Strickland, Sharon K (Supporting). CAREER: Scaffolding Strategies for Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Skills, NSF, Federal, $954500. (Submitted: July 2017, Funded: September 2018 - August 2024). Grant.
  • Melhuish, Kathleen Mary (Principal), Heaton, Ruth (Co-Principal), Thanheiser, Eva (Co-Principal), Strickland, Sharon K (Co-Principal), Sorto, Maria Alejandra (Co-Principal), Ellis, Brittney Marie (Co-Principal). Using Technology to Capture Classroom Interactions: The Design, Validation, and Dissemination of a Formative Assessment of Instruction Tool for Diverse K-8 Mathematics Classrooms, NSF, Federal, $1984657. (Submitted: November 2, 2017, Funded: September 4, 2018 - August 31, 2023). Grant.
  • Strickland, Sharon K (Principal). MAA Tensor Women in Mathematics, $6000. (Funded: February 2010). Grant.
  • Close, Eleanor W (Principal), Strickland, Sharon K (Co-Principal), Luxford, Cynthia J (Co-Principal), Van Overschelde, James P (Co-Principal), Collins, Kristina Henry (Co-Principal), Close, Hunter G (Supporting). Preparing Engaged STEM Teachers through Multi-level Peer Mentoring and Early Teaching Experiences, National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, Federal, $1200000. (Submitted: August 31, 2022, Funded: June 15, 2023 - June 14, 2028). Grant.
  • Melhuish, Kathleen Mary, Ellis, Brittney Marie, Patterson, Cody Lynn, Strickland, Sharon K. Structuring Equitable Participation in Undergraduate Proof, National Science Foundation, Federal, $600000. (Submitted: July 2022, Funded: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Graduate Advisor
Graduate Program Committee
University Mentor
Tenure-Track Faculty Mentor, Robert Sigley
Reviewer / Referee
Mathematics Teacher Educator
Reviewer / Referee
Journal of STEM Education