Faculty Profile for Dr. Eugene Curtin

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Curtin, E. (2020, August). Tri: A Variant of Hex Played on a Sphere. Wolfram Demonstrations Project. Retrieved from https://demonstrations.wolfram.com/TriAVariantOfHexPlayedOnASphere/
- Curtin, E., Lee, J., Lu, A., & Sun, S. (2019). A modified Grassmann Algebra approach to theorems on Permanents and Determinants. Linear Algebra and Its Appplications, 581, 20--35.
- Curtin, E. (2018). Another Short Proof of the Hairy Ball Theorem. American Mathematical Monthly, 125(5).
- Curtin, E., & Warshauer, M. (2006). “The Locker Puzzle.” Mathematical Intelligencer, 28.
- Curtin, E. (2001). “Cubic Cayley Graphs with Small Diameter.” DiscreteMath. Theor. Comput. Sci., 4, 123–131.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Service Excellence Award, Mathematics Department. December 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching, COSE. August 2018
- Award / Honor Recipient: Mathematics Department Teaching Excellence Award. 2017
- Award / Honor Recipient: Mathematics Department Service Excellence Award. 2014
- Award / Honor Recipient: Mathematics Department Teaching Excellence Award. 2013
Selected Grants
- Curtin, Eugene (Principal), Torrejon, R (Principal). Student Computing Resource Grant, $53000. (Funded: 2000 - 2001). Grant.
- Curtin, Eugene. ‘Properties of Random Communications Networks’, $3000. (Funded: May 1995 - August 1995). Grant.
- Curtin, Eugene (Principal). ‘Planar Covers of Graphs’, $2944. (Funded: May 1994 - August 1994). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Assistant Chair, Scheduling
Mathworks Program Manager Hiring Committee
November 2023-Present
FacultyOfInstruction/Merit Policy Committee
August 2023-Present
Scheduling Oversight Committee
August 2023-Present
Mentor for Graduate Student Jesse Martinez
August 2023-Present