Faculty Profile for Dr. David Rodriguez

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Smart, U., Brunner, R., Rivera, C., & Rodriguez, D. (2024). Detection of the Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis global panzootic lineage in Ecuadorian anurans of the Amazonian lowlands. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.
- Zughaiyir, F., Sirsi, S., Rodriguez, D., McHenry, D., & Forstner, M. (2024). Measuring interspecific admixture in endangered Houston toads (Bufo [=Anaxyrus] houstonensis) at a main recovery site in the Lost Pines ecosystem of Texas, USA. Conservation Genetics.
- Yates, J., Durso, A., Harding, S., Rodriguez, D., Kwiatkowski, M., & Mullin, M. (2024). Site-level occupancy and microhabitat selection of sympatric Nerodia (Serpentes: Colubridae) within an imperiled river system. Herpetologica.
- Sirsi, S., Rodriguez, D., & Forstner, M. (2024). Using genome-wide data to ascertain taxonomic status and assess population genetic structure for Houston toads (Bufo [= Anaxyrus] houstonensis). Scientific Reports.
- Riberio, L., Rodriguez, D., Santos, R., Lucas, E., & Toledo, L. F. (2024). Genotypic discrimination of chytrid fungus lineages in the amphibian trade. Authorea.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities - Presidential Distinction, College of Science and Engineering. 2023
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, College of Science and Engineering. 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities, College of Science and Engineering. January 2018 - September 2018
Selected Grants
- Rodriguez, David. Run to R1 Postdoctoral Researcher Catalyst Program, Texas State University, $100000. (Funded: 2023 - 2024). Grant.
- Fritts, Sarah Rebecah (Co-Principal), Rodriguez, David (Co-Principal). Population monitoring and assessment of risks to Brazos and Concho water snakes with an emphasis on reservoir populations, Texas Comptroller, State, $499910. (Submitted: September 2022, Funded: August 2023 - December 2025). Grant.
- Rodriguez, David. CAREER: Unraveling post-invasion dynamics of the amphibian-killing fungus via rapid genetic diversity assessments of both hosts and pathogens, National Science Foundation, Federal, $797737. (Submitted: July 2020, Funded: September 2021 - August 2026). Grant.
- Rodriguez, David (Principal), Fritts, Sarah Rebecah (Co-Principal), Forstner, Michael R (Co-Principal). Population monitoring and assessing disease risk in Concho water snake, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, State, $196620. (Funded: February 2020 - Present). Grant.
- Fritts, Sarah Rebecah (Principal), Rodriguez, David (Co-Principal). Conservation in the canopy: informing future corridor placement via non-invasive monitoring of vertebrate movement, Texas State University, Texas State University, $15992. (Submitted: October 2019, Funded: January 2020 - June 2021). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Aquatic Microbiology Faculty Search
Animal Science-Genetics/Genomics Faculty Search
Instructional Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee
University Mentor
Visiting Scholar Rebecca Brunner (UC Berkeley)