Faculty Profile for Professor Noland Martin Phd

profile photo for Professor Noland Martin Phd
Professor Noland Martin Phd
Professor — Biology
SUPP 384
phone: (512) 245-3317

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Noland Martin is an evolutionary biologist / population and quantitative geneticist who works on speciation, natural hybridization, and conservation.

Teaching Interests

Tropical Ecology
Biological Conservation

Research Interests

Speciation, natural hybridization, quantitative genetics, population genetics, conservation genetics

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Sotola, V. A., Sullivan, K. T., Littrell, B. M., Martin, N. H., Stich, D. S., & Bonner, T. H. (2020). Short-term responses of freshwater mussels to floods in a southwestern USA river estimated using mark-recapture sampling. FRESHWATER BIOLOGY. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13642
  • Alex Sotola, V., Ruppel, D. S., Bonner, T. H., Nice, C., & Martin, N. H. (2019). Asymmetric introgression between fishes in the Red River basin of Texas is associated with variation in water quality. Ecology and Evolution, 9(4), 2083–2095. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.4901
  • Martin, N. H., Zalmat, A. S., Ellis, B. S., McGarvey, S., Simmons-Frazier, K., Mancusi, K., & Sotola, V. A. (2025). Does Asymmetric Reproductive Isolation Predict the Direction of Introgression in Plants? Genes, 16.
  • Martin, N. H., Zalmat, A. S., Ellis, B. S., McGarvey, S., Simmons-Frazier, K., Mancusi, K., & Sotola, V. A. (2025). Does Asymmetric Reproductive Isolation Predict the Direction of Introgression in Plants? Genes, 16(2), 124. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes16020124
  • Martin, N. H., Deringer, S. A., & undefined et al. (Eds.). (2024). Wimberley Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan. Wimberley, TX, USA. Retrieved from https://issuu.com/mhsplanning/docs/2024-2034_wimberley_parks_recreation_comprehensi?fr=sMGNkZjc1MTMyOTM

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor. Texas State University. Alpha Chi National Honor Society, Alpha Chi National Honor Society. 2019 - Present
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor. Texas State University. Alpha Chi National Honor Society, Alpha Chi National Honor Society. 2018 - Present
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor. Texas State University. Alpha Chi National Honor Society, Alpha Chi National Honor Society. 2015 - Present
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor. Texas State University. Alpha Chi National Honor Society. 2014 - Present
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Honorary Professor of International Studies, Texas State University - Center for International Studies. January 20, 2023

Selected Grants

  • Martin, Noland H. Reproductive Isolation and Natural Hybridization between two Texas Native Alloberberis Species, Ecolab, State, $10080. (Funded: 2025 - 2026). Grant.
  • Martin, Noland H. Genetic Structure and Natural Hybridization in Native Texas Alloberberis., EcoLab, State, $25010. (Funded: December 1, 2023 - December 31, 2024). Grant.
  • Martin, Noland H. Do ecological variables associated with Agarita (Mahonia trifoliolata and Mahonia swaseyi) predict population structure?, Texas Ecolab, $10488. (Funded: 2021). Grant.
  • Martin, Noland H (Principal). Reproductive Ecology of Berberis species on the Edwards Plateau, $15845. (Funded: 2019 - 2021). Grant.
  • Martin, Noland H. Transmission ratio distortion of Iris nelsonii and Iris fulva, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $7726. (Funded: 2012 - 2016). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Board Member
Wimberley Parks and Recreation
January 2020-Present
Faculty Senate
Undergraduate Advisor
Peers Against Covid
January 2020-Present
Undergraduate Advisor
Secular Student Alliance