Faculty Profile for Dr. Matthew T Clement

profile photo for Dr. Matthew T Clement
Dr. Matthew T Clement
Associate Professor — Sociology
THH 449
phone: (512) 245-2113

Biography Section

Research Interests

My areas of interest include environmental and urban sociology as well as quantitative and spatial data analysis. In my research, I focus on two general questions pertaining to human-environment interactions: How does modern development transform and respond to changes in the built and natural environments, and what role does urbanization play in this process? To answer these questions, I have used GIS and spatial panel models to investigate the multidimensional effects of population and economic change on a variety of environmental outcomes over time, mostly within the United States. More recently, I have extended this line of inquiry to examine variation in measures of sustainable development cross-nationally.

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Clement, M. T., Smith, C. L., & Leverenz-Soetaert, T. (2021). Quality of Life and the Carbon Footprint: A Zip-Code Level Study Across the United States. The Journal of Environment & Development, 30(4), 323–343.
  • Leon-Corwin, M., Clement, M. T., & Smith, C. L. (2020). Are Global Neighborhoods in Houston Less Polluted? A Spatial Analysis of 21st Century Urban Demographics. Human Ecology Review, 26(1), 117–139.
  • Culler, M., Wickham, J., Nash, M., & Clement, M. T. (2024). Impervious Cover Change as an Indicator of Environmental Equity. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 35(101247), 1–14.
  • Clement, M. T., Pino, N. W., & Blaustein, J. (2023). The Persistent Countervailing Consequences of Urbanization: A Longitudinal Study of Homicide Rates, 20(6), 1829–1851.
  • Clement, M. T., & Pino, N. W. (2023). Is Urbanization Sustainable? A Longitudinal Study of Developing Nations, 1990-2015. Environmental Sociology, 9(3), 327–347.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Alpha Chi Favorite Professors for 2021, Alpha Chi National Honor Society. 2021
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities Award, College of Liberal Arts, Texas State University. 2017
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Marvin E. Olsen Student Paper Award, American Sociological Association, Section on Environment & Technology. 2013
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Wasby-Johnson Dissertation Award, Department of Sociology, University of Oregon. 2013
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Graduate Student Publication Award, Department of Sociology, University of Oregon. 2011

Selected Service Activities

Faculty Review Committee, Department of Sociology
Graduate Steering Committee, Department of Sociology
Sustainability Studies Advisory Council
Assistant Professor of Instruction (Introduction to Sociology) Search Committee, Department of Sociology
Assistant Professor of Instruction (Statistics) Search Committee, Department of Sociology