Faculty Profile for Dr. Christopher Jay Johnson

Dr. Christopher Jay Johnson
Clinical Professor — Sociology
THH 449
phone: (512) 245-5693
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Dr. Johnson was Director of Gerontology for the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Louisiana for 27 years. He developed an award winning M.A. in Gerontology online there. Former Governor Foster of Louisiana awarded his degree the distinction of being one of the top academic programs in the state of Louisiana. He then retired from ULM and traveled to Scotland to teach for a year and a half in the Dementia Studies program at the University of Stirling in Scotland. After that he took the position of Clinical Professor of Sociology at Texas State University, helping to develop the nations first M.S. in Dementia and Aging Studies.Teaching Interests
Dementia Studies courses; End of Life Courses; Care Partnering and Dementia; Clinical Sociology and Aging.Research Interests
Advanced Dementia Care Partnering, Non Linear Models of Alzheimer's Disease as Time Travel; End of Life Care; Sociology of Religion Topics.Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Nicovich, P., & Johnson, C. J. (n.d.). Long-Term Care Operations. In Dimensions of Long-Term Care Management: An Introduction, ed. 3. Chicago, Illinois, USA: Healthcare Administration Press.
- Johnson, C. J. (2021). McDonalization of Long-Term Care. In Dementia Care - Issues, Responses and International Perspectives (p. pgs. 49-70). New Delhi India, India: Springer.
- Johnson, C. J. (2023). “Alzheimer’s disease as a “Trip Back in Time" -. Austin, United States: I Heart Radio. Retrieved from https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-the-memory-whisperer-127247485/episode/alzheimers-disease-as-a-trip-back-130121060/
- Johnson, C. J., & Dietrich, D. R. (2020). The McDonaldization of Long Term Care in the United States. In M. K. Shankardass (Ed.), Dementia Care: Issues, Responses and International Perspectives. Sage.
- Johnson, C. J. (2019, January). Texas State Lauches first Master’s Program in Dementia and Aging Studies. Aging Today. Los Angeles, CA, USA: American Society on Aging.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor Award, Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. August 2017 - Present
- Award / Honor Recipient: , Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. January 2021 - December 2021
- Award / Honor Recipient: Recipient: Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Favorite Professor Award August 2018, Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. September 2020
- Award / Honor Recipient: Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, Favorite Professor Award. August 2018
- Award / Honor Recipient: Honorary Chairperson. August 12, 2017 - October 14, 2017
Selected Grants
- Johnson, Christopher (Principal). Round Rock Faculty Speaker Series Grant, Round Rock Faculty Speaker Series Grants, Institutional (Higher Ed), $500. (Submitted: April 1, 2014, Funded: April 14, 2014 - Present). Grant.
- Johnson, Christopher (Principal). SAMHSA Campus Suicide Prevention, Funding Source not specified, $1000000. (Submitted: 2009). Grant.
- Johnson, Christopher J (Co-Principal), Sutton, Jana (Principal). SAMHSA Campus Suicide Prevention Grant., Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Federal, $1000000. (Submitted: January 1, 2009, Funded: January 1, 2009 - January 1, 2011). Grant.
- Bulot, J. (Co-Principal), Johnson, Christopher (Co-Principal), Hatchett, B. (Co-Principal). Down's Syndrome Alzheimer's Patients in Louisiana, Louisiana Office of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, State. (Submitted: 2005). Grant.
- Bulot, T. (Principal), Johnson, Christopher (Co-Principal). The å"Comprehensive Gerontology Faculty Development and Program Accreditation Grantå", Louisiana Board of Regents, State, $48000. (Submitted: 2004, Funded: January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2006). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Capital of Texas Alzheimer's Association
January 2021-December 2021
Multi Cultural Committee
January 2017-December 2021
Brookdale San Marcos South
September 5, 2017-Present
Alzheimer's Austin
July 13, 2017-Present
Student Papers in Design for Dementia Class of Dr. Hegde's
May 4, 2017-Present