Faculty Profile for Lisa Anne Lamb Weber

profile photo for Lisa Anne Lamb Weber
Lisa Anne Lamb Weber
Professor of Instruction — Sociology
THH 434
phone: (512) 245-2113

Biography Section

Biography and Education

I am originally from Miami; I grew up in a very fast paced city with enormous diversity. I was always a people watcher and became interested in group dynamics and all the various ways in which we relate and intersect with our environment.
In 1995 I moved to Texas; I received my B.A. in Sociology in 1999 and in 2000 I received my M.A. By the spring of 2001, I earned my online teaching certification and soon thereafter I began teaching at Texas State University.
I love teaching online!

Research Interests

I have been teaching fully asynchronous courses for the Sociology department since the Fall of 2001. My training and experience in online education is extensive. My philosophy regarding online education includes the idea that online courses are not merely a substitute for face-to-face classes; instead, online courses are simply another mode of delivery. As compared to traditional face-to-face learners, online learners can have as good as an experience if not a much better experience depending on the students’ learning ability and the educator’s proficiency and resourcefulness of online tools.
I am interested in how technology can promote equal access to education and ultimately jobs. In an effort to examine this relationship more closely I conducted research which resulted in a report titled, ‘The Benefits of Online Learning: an Overview of the Online Classroom.’ This research shows that online education has made higher education more accessible to all.

Selected Service Activities

University Mentor
Faculy Mentor Corps
January 2021-Present
Service to University of Phnom Phen, Cambodia
Service to University of Phnom Phen, Cambodia
January 1, 2015-January 1, 2015
University Mentor
Faculty Mentor Corps
Commencement Ceremony
August 2023-Present
University Mentor
Facutly Mentor Corps