Faculty Profile for Dr. Maria Czyzewska

profile photo for Dr. Maria Czyzewska
Dr. Maria Czyzewska
Professor — Psychology
THH 228
phone: (512) 245-3160

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Barrera Valdivia, P., Mendez, R. V., Czyzewska, M., & Mendoza-Meraz & Aixchel, G. (2020). Imagenes de la version mexicana de la pureba deempatia emocional de Baron-Cohen. Tecnociencia Chihuahua, 13.
  • Czyzewska, M., & McKenzie Joel. (2016). Alcohol binge drinking in first-generation college students. North American Journal of Psychology, 18(2), 345–358.
  • Ceballos, N. A., Czyzewska, M., & Croyle, K. (2012). College drinking among Latinos(as) in the United States and Mexico. The American Journal on Addictions, 21, 544–549.
  • Czyzewska, M., Graham, R., & Ceballos, N. A. (2011). Explicit and implicit attitudes to food. In Handbook of Behavior, Diet, and Nutrition (pp. 673–692). London, U.K.: Springer.
  • Ceballos, N. A., & Czyzewska, M. (2010). Body image in Hispanic/Latino vs. European- American Adolescents: Implications for the Treatment and Prevention of Obesity in  Underserved Populations. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21, 823–838.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Honorary Professor of International Studies. September 2017 - November 2017
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Alpha Chi Favorite Professor. January 2017 - May 2017
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Excellence Award for Service, Texas State University. January 1, 2017 - May 15, 2017
  • Award / Honor Recipient: SLAC Favorite Statistics Professor, SLAC. October 2016
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Alpha Chi Favorite Professor. January 2016 - May 2016

Selected Grants

  • Czyzewska, Maria (Principal). Cultural moderators of the effects of social media use on mental health, Center of International Studies, Texas State University, $500. (Funded: May 2023 - August 2023). Grant.
  • Czyzewska, Maria (Principal). New Study Abroad development grant, Study Abroad office, Texas State University, $2100. (Submitted: March 2016, Funded: June 1, 2016 - June 14, 2016). Grant.
  • Czyzewska, Maria (Principal), Ginsburg, H. (Principal). Generalized Harmful Consequences of the National Youth Anti-Marijuana Media Campaigned, Marijuana Policy Project, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $31171. (Submitted: 2004). Grant.
  • Ginsburg, H.J. (Principal), Czyzewska, Maria (Principal), Kerkman, D. (Principal). Undergraduate laboratory for experimental methods and research in psychology, National Science Foundation - ILI, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $65556. (Submitted: 1997). Grant.
  • Ginsburg, H.J. (Principal), Czyzewska, Maria (Principal), Kerkman, D. (Principal). Undergraduate laboratory for experimental methods and research in psychology, National Science Foundation - ILI, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $65556. (Submitted: 1996). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Presidential Award for Excellence in Service Committee
Academic Program Director
Academic Program Director, Study Abroad in Greece
Psychology Student Association
August 2017-Present
University Mentor
Bobcat Bond
September 2018-May 2019
Undergraduate Program Committee
August 2024-Present