Faculty Profile for Dr. Natasha Mikles

profile photo for Dr. Natasha Mikles
Dr. Natasha Mikles
Assistant Professor — Philosophy
CMAL 102
phone: (512) 245-2228

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Mikles, N. L. (2024). Shattered Grief: How the Pandemic Transformed Death and Spirituality. New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press.
  • Mikles, N. L. (2024). Whose Epic is it Anyway? Gesar and the Myth of the National Epic. In The Routledge Handbook of Epic (pp. 285–298). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
  • Mikles, N. L. (2023). Three Spirit Mediums: A Case Study on Grief, Death, and Alternative Religious Traditions during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nova Religio: The Journal of New Religious Movements, 27(2), 86–100.
  • Mikles, N. L. (n.d.). Narrative Lifeworlds, the Dmyal gling rdzogs pa chen po, and Gter ma’s Social Function. Journal of Tibetology.
  • Mikles, N. L. (2020). Interpreting Intercultural Encounters with 90 Day Fiancé in the World Religions’ 2020 Classroom. Teaching Theology & Religion, 23(3), 163–174.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Alpha Chi Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi Fraternity. April 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Critical Language Scholarship Alumni Development Fund, State Department. October 1, 2017 - March 15, 2018

Selected Grants

  • Mikles, Natasha LeeAnn. Buddhist, not Buddhicized: The Gesar Epic as Lived Narrative, American Council of Learned Societies, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $5000. (Submitted: September 15, 2021, Funded: June 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023). Grant.
  • Mikles, Natasha LeeAnn. Charlotte W. Newcombe Dissertation Fellowship, Woodrow Wilson Foundation, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $25000. (Funded: September 1, 2016 - May 1, 2017). Grant.
  • Mikles, Natasha LeeAnn. Buckner W. Clay Grant, $4262. (Funded: May 2014 - November 2014). Grant.
  • Mikles, Natasha LeeAnn. Jefferson Trust Grant, $24040. (Funded: February 2014 - November 2014). Grant.
  • Mikles, Natasha LeeAnn. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship, State, $15000. (Funded: June 2012 - July 2012). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Journal of Gods and Monsters
August 2019-Present
Coordinator / Organizer
Death, Dying, and Beyond Unit
November 22, 2024-Present
University Mentor
Religious Studies NTT Lecturer Mentor
June 1, 2023-Present
Undergraduate Advisor
Religious Studies Advisor
September 1, 2022-Present
International Association of Tibetan Studies
July 15, 2021-Present