Faculty Profile for Dr. Sharon E Ugalde

profile photo for Dr. Sharon E Ugalde
Dr. Sharon E Ugalde
University Distinguished Professor — Dept of World Languages & Literatures
CENT 141

Biography Section

Teaching Interests

Spanish and Latin American Literature
Gabriel García Márquez
20th and 21st-century poetry of Spain
Introduction to Spanish literature

Research Interests

Contemporary cultural production of Spain: poetry, narrative, drama and the visual arts

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Ugalde, S. E. (n.d.). Escribir el pasado: Poemas de Teresa Hassler, (fragmentos y  ceniza). In Rosa Romojaro, Ed. Francisco Estevez. Malaga, Spain.
  • Ugalde, S. E. (2018). Correspondencia con poetas españolas a fines del siglo XX. In Identidad autorial femenina y comunicación epistolar. Ed. María Martos and Julio Neiva (pp. 501–516). Madrid, Spain: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
  • Ugalde, S. E. (n.d.). Diablotexto Digital. Revista de Crítica Literaria, 4.
  • Ugalde, S. E. (n.d.). “Cubriendo el cuerpo: vestimenta y género en la poesía de Concha Méndez / Clothing and Gender in the Poetry of Concha Méndez.” Revista Signa, 34, 189–207.
  • Ugalde, S. E. (2024). “Heridas, memoria, espacios y escritura: Poemas de Teresa Hassler (Fragmentos y ceniza) de Rosa Romojaro.” In Insaciable azar. Palabras para Julio Niera (pp. 792–811). Málaga, Spain: El Toro.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Teaching College of Liberal Arts Golden Apple, College of Liberal Arts Texas State University. 2024
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Comité Científico IV Congreso Internacional Antonio Gala, Grupo "Solarha" de la Universidad de Córdoba y del Grupo "Andalucía Literaria y Crítica: Textos Inéditos y Relecciones". 2024
  • Award / Honor Recipient: International research group (PoGEsp) Plan Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental (National Plan for Research Projects Financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain) “Género, cuerpo e identidad en las poetas españolas de la primera mitad del siglo XX” https://ieg.ua.es/es/investigaci-cuerpo-e-identidad-en-las-poetas-espanolas-de-la-primera-mitad-del-siglo-xx.html. 2021 - 2024
  • Award / Honor Recipient: University Award for Excellence in Humanities Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities, President of Texas State University. 2023
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Election to Corresponding Member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language ANLE, ANLE. 2021 - 2023

Selected Grants

  • Ugalde, Sharon E. Program for Cultural Cooperation: “Anthology of Spanish Women Poets of the Generations of 1950’s and 1970’s”, Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture and United States’ Universities, $3000. (Funded: 2005). Grant.
  • Ugalde, Sharon E. Program for Cultural Cooperation: "The Figure of Ophelia in Women’s Poetry of Spain", Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture and United States’ Universities, $3000. (Funded: 2001). Grant.
  • Ugalde, Sharon E. Research Enhancement Grant: “An Anthology of Spanish Women’s Poetry". (Funded: 2000). Grant.
  • Ugalde, Sharon E. Research Enhancement Grant: “A Collection of Articles on María Victoria Atencia". (Funded: 1996). Grant.
  • Ugalde, Sharon E. Research Enhancement Grant: “A study of the Figure of Lilith.”. (Funded: 1995). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Coordinator / Organizer
Association of American Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Conference Session
Personnel Committee
InScriptum: A Journal of Language and Literary Studies
Cox, Rust, Galvan, Fischer Scholarship Committees
Collaborator Poetry Festival