Faculty Profile for Dr. Valentina Glajar

Dr. Valentina Glajar
Professor — Dept of World Languages & Literatures
phone: (512) 245-3073
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Glajar, V. (2025). Dosarul de Securitate al Hertei Müller. (A. Pavelescu, Trans.). Iasi, Romania: Polirom. Retrieved from https://polirom.ro/studii-romanesti/8561-dosarul-de-securitate-al-hertei-m%C3%BCller.html
- Glajar, V. (2023). The Secret Police Dossier of Herta Müller: A “File Story” of Cold War Surveillance. Camden House. Retrieved from https://boydellandbrewer.com/9781640141537/the-secret-police-dossier-of-herta-muller/
- Glajar, V., Lewis, A., & Petrescu, C. L. (2019). Cold War Spy Stories from Eastern Europe. Lincoln, NE: Potomac Books. Retrieved from https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/potomac-books/9781640121874/?fbclid=IwAR3RQBT2PSTljMjFTnxulWQpmUTBMJajbSlftlcBlGTHQQS0ZnlozkcOUQ0
- Petrescu, C. L., Lewis, A., & Glajar, V. (2018). Archive und Geheimdienstakten: Dialogisches Erinnern an Verfolgung und Zensur im Ostblock. Monatshefte (Vol. 110). University of Wisconsin Press.
- Brandt, B., & Glajar, V. (2017). The Politics of Archives. Seminar (3rd ed., Vol. 53, pp. 193–309). University of Toronto Press. Retrieved from http://www.utpjournals.press/toc/seminar/53/3
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Awarded accreditation as external researcher, CNSAS (The National Council for the Study of the Secret Police Archives). November 2010 - Present
- Award / Honor Recipient: Liberal Arts College Achievement Award for Excellence in Research. August 2024
- Award / Honor Recipient: Alpha Chi Favorite Professor. April 2024
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Research, Funded and Sponsored Programs, Liberal Arts. August 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: College of Liberal Arts Achievement Award. August 24, 2018
Selected Grants
- Glajar, Valentina. The Afterlife of Files: Herta Mueller's Story of Surveillance, American Council of Learned Societies, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $70000. (Submitted: September 2018, Funded: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020). Grant.
- Glajar, Valentina. Research Enhancement Grant. (Funded: 2012). Grant.
- Glajar, Valentina. Research Enhancement Grant. (Funded: 2008). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Fulbright Program Advisor
Texas State University
Faculty Senate
May 2024-Present
Advisory Board member
Journal of the Society for Romanian Studies
Kaffeestunde--weekly coffee hour for German students
August 2016-Present