Faculty Profile for Dr. Yasmine C Beale-Rosano-Rivaya

Dr. Yasmine C Beale-Rosano-Rivaya
Chair - Professor — Dept of World Languages & Literatures
CENT 214
phone: (512) 245-2360
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Yasmine Beale-Rivaya received her PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2006 and holds the rank of Professor at Texas State.Research Interests: Dr. Beale-Rivaya’s research centers on language contact, change, and borrowing in borderland communities. Her main area of focus is evidence of language contact between Romance and Semitic languages among communities, especially the Mozarabic (Arabized-Christians) communities, living between the Andalusí and Christian frontier from the ninth to the early fourteenth century in Medieval Iberia. Dr. Beale-Rivaya maintains a parallel line of research where she studies contact between Spanish and English, and Spanish and Indigenous Languages along borderland areas of the United States and Mexico.
Dr. Beale-Rivaya is currently a member of the MLA General Linguistics Committee as well as a member of the MLA Delegate Assembly. She has served as President of the Texas Medieval Association and is a member of the Board of the La Corónica journal.
She has participated in or organized the following conferences:
A special topic symposium held in Toledo in 2019: https://www.modlang.txstate.edu/toledo/
Texas Medieval Association Conference:
TEMA 2015& TEMA 2019 : https://www.modlang.txstate.edu/tema/
ICHL 23: http://ichl23.utsa.edu/
Teaching Interests
Spanish Linguistics: Syntax, Phonetics, Language AcquisitionHistory of the Spanish Language, Dialectology
Spanish in the Professions
Community Engagement Learning
Research Interests
Mozarabs, Mudéjar, Morisco.Language in Medieval Iberia.
Language Contact and Change.
Religious Diversity
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Y. C. (n.d.). Tracing New Frontiers: Mozarabes and Toledanos as Villains in the Construction of the Spanish Cultural Imagery. In Mark of Toledo: Intellectual Context and Debates between Christians and Muslims in Early Thirteenth Century Iberia (pp. 77–98). Cordoba, Spain: UCOPress – CNERU – The Warburg Institute.
- (2019). Places of Encounter: Language, Culture, and Religious Identity in Medieval Iberia. In J. Busic & Y. C. Beale-Rosano-Rivaya (Eds.), Places of Encounter: Language, Culture, and Religious Identity in Medieval Iberia (I, Vol. 41). California, USA: E-Humanista. Retrieved from https://www.ehumanista.ucsb.edu/volumes/41
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Y., & Busic, J. (Eds.). (2018). A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. New Readings of Medieval Toledo (ca. 711-1517). Netherlands: Brill.
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Y. C. (2018). “Shared Legal Spaces in the Arabic Language Notarial Documents of Toledo.” In A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. New Readings of Medieval Toledo (ca. 711-1517). (pp. 221–237). Netherlands: Brill.
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Y. C., & Busic Jason. (2018). Introduction. In A Companion to Medieval Toledo: Reconsidering the Canons. New Readings of Medieval Toledo (ca. 711-1517). (pp. 1–14). Netherlands: Brill.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Nominee: Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, COLA Texas State University. 2016 - Present
- Award / Honor Recipient: NEH Professorship in Teaching 2021-2024, NEH. September 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024
- Award / Honor Recipient: Liberal Arts Golden Apple Award for Teaching @Professor/Associate Professor Level, Texas State University. September 1, 2021
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Distinction Award, Tx State. September 1, 2021
- Award / Honor Nominee: Mariel M Muir Excellence in Mentoring, COLA Texas State University. August 2018
Selected Grants
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Yasmine C (Principal). Faculty Summer Research Grant, Center for European Studies, Department of Education, UT-Austin, $3000. (Funded: 2015). Grant.
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Yasmine C. University Lecturers Series, $800. (Funded: 2015). Grant.
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Yasmine C (Principal). Online Resource Grant for PAO2-4 (extension to Proquest), $43650. (Funded: 2013). Grant.
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Yasmine C (Principal). University Lecturers Series, $813. (Funded: 2008). Grant.
- Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Yasmine C (Principal). Alkek Library Research Fund Award, $1276. (Funded: 2006). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Presidential Work-Life Committee
September 2015-September 2022
Continuity of Student Life Work Group-University Task Force
May 14, 2020-December 31, 2021
Humanities PhD Exploration
May 2023-Present
Liberal Arts Study Abroad Committee
Major-Minor Recruitment Committee