Faculty Profile for Dr. Kathleen McClancy

profile photo for Dr. Kathleen McClancy
Dr. Kathleen McClancy
Associate Professor — English
FH 135
phone: (512) 245-3777

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • McClancy, K. (2021). Fighting a Lonely War: Frank Castle and the Domestication of Vietnam. In M. McEinry, Alicia Goodman, Ryan Cassidy, & R. G. Weiner (Eds.), The Punisher: Judge, Jury, and Executioner (pp. 125–135). New York, NY: McFarland.
  • McClancy, K. (2019). Black Skin, White Faces: Dead Presidents and the African-American Vietnam Veteran. In C. Tholas, K. Ritzenhoff, & J. Goldie (Eds.), New Perspectives on the War Film (pp. 131–158). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • McClancy, K. (2018). The Wasteland of the Real: Nostalgia and Simulacra in Fallout. Game Studies, 18(2). Retrieved from http://gamestudies.org/1802/articles/mcclancy
  • McClancy, K. (2018). Desperate Housewives: Murdering Gendered Nostalgia in Lady Killer. Feminist Media Histories, 4(3), 179–204. Retrieved from http://fmh.ucpress.edu/content/4/3/179
  • McClancy, K. (2018). Winter Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots: World War II and the Cold War in Captain America. ImageTexT, 9(3). Retrieved from http://www.english.ufl.edu/imagetext/archives/v9_3/mcclancy/

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: College of Liberal Arts Achievement Award for Excellence in Service, Texas State University. 2023
  • Award / Honor Recipient: College of Liberal Arts Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University. 2015

Selected Service Activities

Media Studies
May 2024-Present
Advanced Studies
January 2022-Present
Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee
September 2019-Present
Primary Organizer and Chair
Comics Arts Conference
September 1, 2011-Present
Personnel Committee
September 2021-Present