Faculty Profile for Dr. Scott Alexander Mogull

profile photo for Dr. Scott Alexander Mogull
Dr. Scott Alexander Mogull
Professor — English
FH 137
phone: (512) 408-3365

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Mogull, S. A. (2023). Strategy of technical content marketing in an entrepreneurial tech company: Using the funnel-bucket model to guide the messages and media. Technical Communication, 70(2), 43–54.
  • Mogull, S. A. (2022). Legal and ethical issues in technical content marketing. American Medical Writers Association Journal, 37(1), 54–59.
  • Mogull, S. A. (2021). Technical content marketing along the technology adoption lifecycle. Communication Design Quarterly, 9(2), 27–35. Retrieved from https://mogull.wp.txstate.edu/files/2021/09/CDQ_20014_Mogull.pdf
  • Mogull, S. A. (2021). Developing technical videos: Genres (or “templates”) for video planning, storyboarding, scriptwriting, and production. Technical Communication, 68(3), 56–75.
  • Mogull, S. A. (2017). Accuracy of cited “facts” in medical research articles: A review of study methodology and recalculation of quotation error rate. PLOS ONE, 12(9). https://doi.org/journal.pone.0184727

Selected Grants

  • Mogull, Scott Alexander. Clemson University for Undergraduate Creative Inquiry Research and Publication in Scientific Communication, $5000. (Funded: 2011). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Editorial Review Board Member
Technical Communication Quarterly
Fellow, Service Learning Faculty
Editorial Review Board Member
Communication Design Quarterly
Technical Communication Quarterly
Online Courses