Faculty Profile for Dr. Ron Haas

Dr. Ron Haas
Professor of Instruction — Honors College
LAMP 503
phone: (512) 245-2266
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Born, McAllen, TX, October 9, 1974. Ph.D. (History) Rice University, 2007. Currently Director of Research and Writing, Honors College, Texas State University.Teaching Interests
Radical and Utopian Thought and MovementsResearch Interests
Radical and Utopian Thought and MovementsSelected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Haas, R. M. (2019, January). Tout ! - Gauchisme, contre-culture et presse alternative dans l’après-Mai 68 [Review of Tout ! - Gauchisme, contre-culture et presse alternative dans l’après-Mai 68, by M. McGrogran]. H-France Review.
- Haas, R. M. (n.d.). An Open Letter to Those Who Traded Maoism for the Rotary Club, a translation of Guy Hocquenghem’s Lettre Ouverte à Ceux Qui Sont Passés du Col Mao au Rotary with translator introduction. Black Box: A Record of the Catastrophe (Vol. 2). PM Press.
- Haas, R. M. (n.d.). “No More Secondary Fronts: French Maoism Revisited.” Black Box: A Record of Catastrophe, 2.
- Haas, R. M. (2016). Maoísmo Francés Después de Mayo 1968. ISTOR: Revista de Historia Internaciónal.
- Haas, R. M. (2014). [Review of “Chicago: le moment 68: territoires de la contestation étudiante et repression politique,” by C. Rolland-Diamond]. The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: “Favorite Professor", Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, Texas State University. 2023
- Award / Honor Recipient: “Favorite Professor", Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, Texas State University. 2022
- Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Liberal Arts. 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Award of Honor, Alumni Association. 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: “Favorite Professor", Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, Texas State University. 2018