Faculty Profile for Dr. Vangelis Metsis

profile photo for Dr. Vangelis Metsis
Dr. Vangelis Metsis
Associate Professor — Computer Science
CMAL 211
phone: (512) 245-7509

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Dr. Vangelis Metsis is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Texas State University. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 2005, from the Department of Informatics of Athens University of Economics and Business in Greece, and his Doctoral degree in 2011 from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of The University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Metsis research interests span the areas of Machine Learning, Data Mining and Computer Vision with special focus on applications of Smart Health & Wellbeing, and Pervasive Computing. He has received federal support and has a strong publication record in related research areas, such as human activity and behavior analysis, human-computer interaction and motion tracking using sensors, sleep monitoring, and human biosignal analysis.

Teaching Interests

Primary Interests: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Computer Vision, Human-Computer Interaction, Algorithms & Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming.
Secondary Interests: Discrete Mathematics, Databases, Introductory Computer Science and Programming courses.

Research Interests

Primary Interests: Machine Learning and Computer Vision with applications in Smart Health and Human-Computer Interaction.
Secondary Interests: Analysis of human Physiological and Behavioral data, Virtual Reality, Affective Computing, Pervasive Computing, Computational Biology.

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Mauldin, T. R., Ngu, A. H. H., Metsis, V., & Canby, M. (2020). Ensemble Deep Learning on Wearables Using Small Datasets. ACM Transactions on Computing for HealthCare, 2. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1145/3428666
  • Hinkle, L. B., Pedro, T., Lynn, T., Atkinson, G. M., & Metsis, V. (2023). Assisted Labeling Visualizer (ALVI): A Semi-Automatic Labeling System For Time-Series Data. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW) (pp. 1–5). IEEE Exlplore. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICASSPW59220.2023.10193169
  • Hinkle, L. B., & Metsis, V. (2023). An LLVM-Inspired Framework for Unified Processing of Multimodal Time-Series Data. In 16th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (pp. 91–94). ACM. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1145/3594806.3594812
  • Hinkle, L. B., Atkinson, G. M., & Metsis, V. (2023). Fusion of Learned Representations for Multimodal Sensor Data Classification. In 19th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2023) (pp. 404–415). Springer. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-34111-3_34
  • Li, X., Nabati, R., Singh, K., Corona, E., Metsis, V., & Parchami, A. (2023). EMOD: Efficient Moving Object Detection via Image Eccentricity Analysis and Sparse Neural Networks. In IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) Workshops (pp. 51–59). IEEE Xplore. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1109/WACVW58289.2023.00010

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Alpha Chi Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi National Honor Society. November 20, 2020
  • Award / Honor Recipient: NSF Advancing Health Through Science Workshop - Aspiring PI Travel Award, National Science Foundation. January 6, 2020 - January 7, 2020
  • Award / Honor Recipient: College of Science and Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award, Texas State University - College of Science and Engineering (CoSE). 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: PETRA Conference, NSF Student Travel Award, NSF. May 1, 2008 - June 30, 2011
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Honored talk at the B.Sc. graduation ceremony, Athens University of Economics and Business. November 11, 2005

Selected Grants

  • Fulton, Lawrence V (Principal), Villagran, Melinda Morris (Co-Principal), , Bing Zhou (Co-Principal), Mendez, Francis A (Co-Principal), Ekin, Tahir (Co-Principal), Qasem, Apan Muhammad (Co-Principal), Konur, Dincer (Supporting), Alanis, Emmanuel (Supporting), Zihagh, Fereshteh (Supporting), Dong, Zhijie (Co-Principal), Shen, Xiaoxi (Supporting), De Nadai, Alessandro Stevens (Supporting), Zhu, Ye (Co-Principal), Hewitt, Barbara A (Co-Principal), Valles Molina, Damian (Supporting), White, Alexander (Supporting), Dolezel, Diane M (Supporting), Ioudina, Vera (Supporting), Islam, Tanzima Z (Supporting), Lee, Chul Ho (Supporting), Metsis, Vangelis (Supporting), Moradi, Masoud (Supporting), Gao, Ju (Supporting), Li-Jen, Lester (Supporting), Jones, Dustin (Supporting), Pham, Vung (Supporting), Holt, Melinda (Supporting), Kyung An, Min (Supporting), Islam, ABM (Supporting), Cho, Hyuk (Supporting), Liu, Quigzhoung (Supporting), Liang, Fan (Supporting), Topinka, Joseph Baar (Supporting). The Accelerating Credentials of Purpose and Value for the Texas Innovation Corridor (TIC) Consortium Grant, THECB, State, $1450000. (Submitted: November 2021, Funded: February 2022 - October 2022). Grant.
  • Clary, Kelly Lynn (Principal), Morley, Richard H (Co-Principal), Metsis, Vangelis (Co-Principal), Trujillo, Logan Thomas (Co-Principal), Smith, Kenneth Scott (Co-Principal), Goffnett, Jacob (Co-Principal), Gagnon, Oscar (Co-Principal). Exploring Psychophysiological and Perceived Health-Related Behaviors During and After Gender Affirming and Non-Affirming Language Among Transgender People Within a Virtual Reality Setting, Multidisciplinary Internal Research Grant Program (MIRG), Texas State University, $28110. (Submitted: January 30, 2021, Funded: May 15, 2021 - May 15, 2022). Grant.
  • Morley, Richard H (Principal), Smith, Kenneth Scott (Co-Principal), Metsis, Vangelis (Co-Principal), Trujillo, Logan Thomas (Co-Principal), Fulton, Cheryl Lisa (Co-Principal), Jantz, Paul B (Co-Principal), Bowman, Scott W (Co-Principal), Roche, Sean Patrick (Co-Principal). Exploring the intersection of mindfulness, stress, large-scale brain networks, bias, threat perception failure, and the decision to use deadly force using virtual reality, Texas State University, $16000. (Submitted: October 30, 2019, Funded: November 9, 2019 - Present). Grant.
  • Zhu, Jie (Principal), Shen, Xiaoxi (Co-Principal), Metsis, Vangelis (Co-Principal). One-carbon Metabolism Nutrients Intakes, Genetic Susceptibility, and Social Determinants in Association with Diabetes Incidence among the U.S. Hispanic Adults: HCHS/SOL, TXST CADS 2024 Catalyst Research Awards, Texas State Center for Analytics and Data Science, Texas State University, $1000. (Submitted: December 22, 2024, Funded: February 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024). Grant.
  • Metsis, Vangelis (Supporting). R03: A longitudinal machine learning approach providing clinicians timely detection to prevent military suicide, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Federal, $49410. (Submitted: October 2022, Funded: September 2023 - August 2025). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI)
Programming Contest Committee
Faculty (TT) Search Committee
PhD Program Committee
CS Space Committee