Faculty Profile for Renee Wendel

Renee Wendel
Professor of Instruction — Communication Disorders
WILW 114
phone: (512) 716-2604
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Renee Wendel is a Professor of Instruction in the Department of Communication Disorders, and has been teaching at Texas State University since 2003. As a Speech-Language Pathologist, her areas of clinical expertise have included clinical supervision| education, assessment and treatment of individuals on the autism spectrum, Universal Design in Learning (UDL) as well as effective androgogical practices in clinical training programs in CDIS. Her service and teaching has been recognized by Texas State University, having been awarded the Faculty Excellence Award in Service at the lecturer level in 2005 and 2010. In 2012 she was the College of Health Professions Dean’s Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Service, and in 2015 earned the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching, representing the College of Health Professions.Renee teaches Advanced Clinical Practicum and Internship in Communication Disorders as well as fulfilling responsibilities centered around clinical education and compliance as a co-director of the Texas State University Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic. As a non-tenured faculty member, Mrs. Wendel has made several presentations in the areas of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, autism spectrum disorder, privacy and security of client/patient records, and pedagogical and androgogical practices in clinical training at local, state and national meetings. Outside of her work at Texas State University, she consults with local organizations providing continuing education and parent training to individuals interacting with children and adults on the autism spectrum.
Renee was a member of the 1988-1991 Texas State Bobcat Softball team as an undergraduate, earning All-conference team honors in all four years. She earned her Master's Degree in Communication Disorders from Texas State University in 1994.
Teaching Interests
Professional Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders.Clinical Supervision.
Androgogical Practices in Communication Disorders Clinical Education Programs.
Applied Ethics In Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Research Interests
1) Literacy acquisition in children with autism spectrum disorder.2) The role of social conformity in ethical decision making in a clinical setting.
3) Technology applications and use in clinical education and clinical service delivery.
4) Androgogical practices and outcomes in clinical education - particularly specifications grading.
5) Professional Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Wendel, R.M., Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association. Crafting Learner-centered Success in Clinical Practicum: Strategies to improve interaction, communication, and student-centered engagement. Seattle Washington, United States (December 7, 2024)
Wendel, R.M., Annual College of Health Professions Research Fourm. Crafting Learner-Centered Success in Clinical Education: Strategies to Improve Interaction and Student Voice. April 11, 2024)
Wendel, R. M., SEUCE Annual Conference, "Twenty-first Century Clinical Education: Can "Old" CEs Learn New Tricks?" Southeastern University Clinical Educators, Dee J Kelly Alumni Center at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, United States. (October 5, 2023.
Wendel, R. M., "Under Pressure! Perfectionism, Impulse, Success, and Academic Dishonesty: The Clock's Ticking!," Annual Conference of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Orlando, FL, United States. (April 2023).
Wendel, R. M. (Presenter), 2022 New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association Clinical Supervisors Workshop, "Creating Positive Supervisory Relationships with Students by Embracing Intergenerational Differences," New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Virtual. (June 9, 2022).
Resendiz, M. D. (Author), Mitcham, A. (Author), Champlin, C. (Author), Joseph, R. (Author), Wendel, R. M. (Author), Hernandez, G. (Author), Texas Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, "Telepractice: Changing Perspectives," Texas Speech Language Hearing Association, Fort Worth Convention Center, Ft. Worth, TX, United States. (February 26, 2022).
Wendel, R. M. (Panelist), CAPCSD Annual Convention, "Survey on Distance Education," Council on Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Distance Ed - Online. (April 2021).
Wendel, R. M. (Presenter), CAPCSD Annual Conference, "How Generational Biases Hold Us Back: Increasing Cross Generational Communication," Council on Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Virtual. (April 9, 2021).
Wendel, R. M., (2019), Clinical Education Today: Meeting Diverse Student Needs. Seminar for Clinical Educators in the Austin Metro area; Round Rock, and San Antonio, Texas (June 2019).
Wendel, R. M. (2018), Harding University’s Annual Dixie C. Branscum Clinical Educators’ Dinner, "21st Century Graduate Students: A Proactive Approach to meeting Diverse Student Needs.," Harding University Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Cone Chapel at the Heritage Inn & Conference Center, Searcy, AR, United States. (August 28, 2018).
Wendel, Renee (2017). The Clinical Educator’s Guide to Graduate Students: Evidence-based clinical education. Seminar presented to speech-language pathologists in San Marcos, Hays, and New Braunfels Independent School Districts; San Marcos, Texas. August 23, 2017
Wendel, Renee and Talbert, Clarissa (2016). Speech and Language Assessment: School-based service delivery. Lecture presented in the College of Education to students enrolled in SPED 3390. San Marcos, Tx. November 1, 2016
Elashi, Asma and Wendel, Renee M. (2016). Autism and Behavior Basics in the Classroom. Collaborative workshop presented to teachers and staff members at the Right to Live Society Center, Gaza, Palestinian Territory. Wendel via Skype, February 21, 2016
Wendel, Renee M. (2015). Collaboration 2.0: Building Effective Partnerships with Parents Beyond the Annual IEP Meeting. Lecture presented in the College of Education to graduate students enrolled in SPSY 5300. San Marcos, TX. October 1, 2015.
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Domsch, C. A., Wendel, R. M., & Irani, F. (n.d.). HRSA Annual Performance Report 2021.
- Felderhoff, J., Gonzales, M. D., & Wendel, R. M. (2010). Assessment methods used in Texas public schools for the diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Children: A survey. Tejas – Texas Journal of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, 32, 73–89.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Award for Continuing Education, ASHA - American Spech-Language-Hearing Association. April 14, 2024
- Award / Honor Recipient: 2022 College Achievement for Excellence, College of Health Professions. August 19, 2022
- Award / Honor Recipient: Faculty Excellence Award, Texas State University. August 19, 2022
- Award / Honor Nominee: College of Health Professions Faculty Award for Excellence in the area of Service, The College of Health Professions. March 15, 2022 - April 1, 2022
- Award / Honor Recipient: ASHA Award for Continuing Education (ACE), American Speech-Language and Hearing Association. 2018
Selected Grants
- Fleming, Valarie B (Principal), Domsch, Celeste A (Co-Principal), Wendel, Renee M (Supporting), Irani, Farzan (Co-Principal). Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students in Communication Disorders, Health Resources and Services Administration, Federal, $1576750. (Submitted: March 3, 2020, Funded: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2025). Grant.
- Irani, Farzan (Principal), Schwarz, Amy Louise (Co-Principal), Wendel, Renee M (Supporting), Stiritz, Lori L (Co-Principal), Fleming, Valarie B (Other), Domsch, Celeste A (Other). Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students in Communication Disorders, Health Resources and Services Administration, Federal, $1576750. (Submitted: March 3, 2020, Funded: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2025). Grant.
- Wendel, Renee M, Stiritz, L. Comprehensive College Initiative: Communication Disorders Computer Lab Upgrade, Student Computing Resources Grant, Texas State University, $12916.74. (Funded: January 2010). Grant.
- Stiritz, Lori (Principal), Wendel, Renee (Co-Principal). Comprehensive College Initiative: Department of Communication Disorders, Computer Lab Upgrade, Academic Computing Committee at Texas State University, Institutional (Higher Ed), $8342. (Submitted: January 1, 2007). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Director of Clinical Education
Department of CDIS Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic
May 2012-Present
Nontenure Line Faculty Committee
September 2011-Present
St. John's Episcopal Church Vestry
October 2021-December 31, 2024
Honor Code Council
September 2018-December 31, 2024
CAPCSD Committee on Distance and Extended Learning
September 2020-2022