Faculty Profile for Daniel F Seed

profile photo for Daniel F Seed
Daniel F Seed
Asst Professor of Practice — School of Jrnlism & Mass Comm
Program Faculty — School of Jrnlism & Mass Comm
OM 322
phone: (512) 245-2656

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Dan Seed specializes and teaches in the Electronic Media sequence at Texas State, following a nine-year career in television news. Seed has an M.A. in Mass Communication from Texas State and a B.S. in Journalism from Boston University.

A native of Massachusetts, Dan worked as a news writer, news reporter and anchor, sports director, and sports anchor and reporter during a career that began at WHDH-TV in Boston and continued at stations in Oklahoma and Texas. He is three-time winner of the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Outstanding Achievement in Broadcasting Award for best sportscast (non-metro category) and a winner of the OAB’s Outstanding Achievement in Broadcasting Awards for Spot News and General News.

In addition to his teaching duties, Seed is the host of the monthly Texas State Big Ideas podcast, which highlights the work of faculty and alumni across all disciplines. The podcast has explored everything from the COVID-19 pandemic to fine arts to the impact of narco traffickers on the environment to the Texas whiskey industry. The podcast is available on iTunes and Spotify, among other platforms.

For the last three years, Seed has served as the executive producer of Texas State’s Global News Relay entry. The Global News Relay is a 24-hour live streaming news broadcast that features universities across Asia, Canada, the United States and Europe. Each year the Global News Relay focuses on a singular topic with each school producing a 15-minute newscast on the topic showing how it affects people across the globe, providing greater perspective and awareness of current events.

In 2015, Seed was the co-coordinator of the Texas State MIPPA Project, which was a grant from the federal government administered by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services intended to study Medicare outreach across Texas. In that role, Seed conducted interviews with Texans across the state to understand their perceptions and understanding of Medicare and helped compile faculty reports into a final document and presentation for HHS. The project ultimately identified best practices for the state to better reach and inform Texans on Medicare using a variety of media strategies.

Teaching Interests

Television news, documentary storytelling, media management and business

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Executive Producer, 2022 Global News Relay. January 2022 - April 2022.
    • 2022 Global News Relay. April 2022
  • Executive Producer, 2021 Global News Relay. January 2021 - April 2021.
    • 2021 Global News Relay. April 2021
  • Executive Producer, 2020 Global News Relay. January 2020 - April 2020.
    • 2020 Global News Relay. April 2020
  • Executive Producer, 2019 Global News Relay. January 2019 - April 11, 2019.
    • 2019 Global News Relay. April 11, 2019

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Nominee: BEA Festival of Media Arts, Broadcast Education Association. December 2023 - Present
  • Award / Honor Nominee: Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University. January 2021 - Present
  • Award / Honor Nominee: BEA Festival of Media Arts, Broadcast Education Association. December 2022 - February 2023
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Alumni Association Teaching Award of Honor, Texas State Alumni Association. August 21, 2020
  • Award / Honor Recipient: 2015 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant (Electronic Media), Texas State School of Journalism and Mass Communication. May 2015

Selected Grants

  • Forbes, Allison Barbara (Principal), Seed, Daniel F (Supporting). 1976 Women's Canadian Olympic Basketball Team Documentary, Texas State University, Research Enhancement Program (REP), $16000. (Funded: January 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

Non-Tenure Line Faculty Committee
January 2024-Present
Faculty of Instruction Appointment and Promotion Committee
October 2023-Present
Undergraduate Advisor
Alpha Gamma Delta
August 2022-Present
KTSW Advisory Board
August 2021-Present
Technology Committee
August 2019-Present