Faculty Profile for Dr. Matt Morris

profile photo for Dr. Matt Morris
Dr. Matt Morris
Lecturer — Department of Communication Studies
Lecturer — Department of Communication Studies
CENT 300
phone: (512) 245-1360

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Matthew Morris received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, where his focus was rhetoric and political communication. His dissertation was an analysis of the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street's populist rhetoric and how various media influenced each group's organization and argumentation. He received his Master's degree from the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, where he wrote a thesis on the conspiracy rhetoric of the 9/11 Truth movement. He spent undergrad and most of his 20s in Shreveport Louisiana, where he developed a love for film, literature, and music.

Teaching Interests

Rhetorical theory, especially psychoanalytic and poststructuralism. His coursework was largely a balance of Kenneth Burke, the Frankfurt School, and French theory such as Foucault, Lacan, and Deleuze. Social movements, political communication, and conspiracy rhetoric.

Research Interests

Social Movements, Populism, Conspiracy Rhetoric, Media and Technology. American Studies

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Morris, M. B. (n.d.). Refiguring Mass Communication: A History by Peter Simonson. Rhetoric and Public Affairs.
  • Morris, M. B. (2014). Progress. In L. Browning & J. Oddvar Sornes (Eds.), Stories from the High North.
  • McKenzie, J., & Morris, M. B. (2012). Communication Ethics. In K. Stimpson, A. Battaglia, J. M. Daly, & A. M. Young (Eds.), Professional Communication Skills. Pearson Learning Solutions.
  • Morris, M. B. (2011). he Narcissistic Style of American Politics: The Rhetorical Appeal of Sarah Palin. In B. Brummett (Ed.), The Politics of Style and the Style of Politics. Lexington Books.
  • Gruber, D., Jack, J., Keranen, L., McKenzie, J. M., & Morris, M. B. (2011). Rhetoric and the Neurosciences: Engagement and Exploration. POROI, 7(1).

Selected Service Activities

Comm Studies Teaching Resources Canvas Portal
August 1, 2023-Present
NCA Political Communication Division
November 16, 2023
Bobcat Day
March 31, 2023-November 4, 2023
Reviewer / Referee
NCA Political Communication Division
April 3, 2023-May 15, 2023
University Writing Center Essay Contest
February 14, 2023-March 3, 2023