Faculty Profile for Dr. John L Walker

Dr. John L Walker
Professor — Dept of Health & Human Performance
JOW 107
phone: (512) 245-8106
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- McCurdy, K. W., Walker, J. L., Powell, A. M., & Arellano, A. E. (n.d.). A comparison of practice and game demands and jump performance across a season in NCAA Division 1 women basketball players. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning.
- McCurdy, K. W., Walker, J. L., & Blaser, W. (2023). Analysis of power output during the countermovement and split-squat jump across loads and high-volume repetitions in elite athletes. International Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.47206/ijsc.v3i1.247
- McCurdy, K. W., Walker, J., Pozuc, D., & Pitts, J. (2022). Measurement of absolute and relative reliability during the countermovement and split-squat jump using PUSH Pro Band 2.0. International Journal of Strength and Conditioning.
- Chase, K., Patek, K. T., & Walker, J. L. (n.d.). Predicting Resting Metabolic Rate with Easily Obtained Measures: The Influence of Body Circumference. Translational Journal American College of Sports Medicine.
- McCurdy, K. W., & Walker, J. (2019). Comparison of regional hamstrings activation during resistance exercises in females with prior athletic experience. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsr.2019-0118
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Nominee: Presidential Award for Scholarship, Texas State University - San Marcos, College of Education. January 1, 2008
- Award / Honor Recipient: Distinguished Alumnus Award, Department of HPER, Texas State University. January 1, 2005
- Award / Honor Nominee: Presidential Award for Scholarship, Texas State University - San Marcos, College of Education. January 1, 2004
- Award / Honor Recipient: Research Manuscript Reviewer of the Year, Journal of Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science. January 1, 2003
- Award / Honor Nominee: Presidential Award for Scholarly / Creative Activity, Southwest Texas State University Faculty, College of Education. January 1, 1999
Selected Grants
- Walker, John (Principal). Research Enhancement Grant: "VO2max and Skinfold Fat Differences in Adolescents Performing the Fit Youth Today 20-Minute Steady-State Jog.", Southwest Texas State University, Institutional (Higher Ed), $5336. (Submitted: April 1, 1994). Grant.
- Walker, John (Principal). Quantification of the Energy Cost of Sub-maximal Aerobic Exercise from Heart Rate Response in Adolescents, Southwest Texas State University, Institutional (Higher Ed), $5671. (Submitted: October 1, 1993). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Step-Up-for-State Fund-Raising Initiative
October 1, 2021-Present
ESS Undergraduate Program
June 1, 2017-Present
HHP Family Campaign
January 1, 2015-Present
HPER Personnel Committee
January 1, 1999-Present
Texas State Family Campaign
January 15, 2015-May 31, 2021