Faculty Profile for Dr. Jeff M Housman

profile photo for Dr. Jeff M Housman
Dr. Jeff M Housman
Asst Vice Prov, Curr & Academic Programs — Office of Curriculum Services
JCK 660
phone: (512) 245-8122

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Dr. Jeff M. Housman is a health behavior social scientist with specific training in health behavior, assessment and measurement of social ecological influences on health behavior, quantitative behavioral data analysis, and public health program planning and evaluation. Dr. Housman’s research spans a variety of content areas including adolescent use of energy drinks, alcohol mixed with energy drinks (AmED), and nonmedical use of prescription stimulants and opioids. Dr. Housman has also authored several articles on cultural competence in public health and predictors of obesity among adolescents. Dr. Housman’s research has been published in leading public health journals including Substance Use and Misuse, the American Journal on Addictions, the Journal of Community Health, the American Journal of Health Behavior, and the Journal of Environmental Health. Dr. Housman has also served as a consulting editor for the Journal of American College Health and The Health Educator, and as an editorial board member for the American Journal of Health Studies. Dr. Housman holds a Ph.D. in health education from Texas A&M University and is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist.

Teaching Interests

Health behavior, quantitative behavioral data analysis, epidemiology, community health, health behavior measurement

Research Interests

Health behavior, social ecology of health, health behavior measurement, substance use and abuse prevention

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Madison, C. A., Harter, R. A., Pickerill, M. L., & Housman, J. M. (2021). Rib stress injuries among female NCAA collegiate rowers: a prospective epidemiological study. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1123/ijatt.2020-0118
  • Williams, R. D., Housman, J. M., Woolsey, C. L., & Sather, T. E. (2018). High-risk driving behaviors among 12th grade students:  Differences between alcohol-only and combined alcohol and energy drink users. Substance Use & Misuse, 53(1), 137–142.
  • Williams, R. D., Housman, J. M., Dixon, M. O., & Alissa, R. (2017). Energy drink use linked to high-sugar beverage intake and BMI among teens. American Journal of Health Behavior, 41(3), 259–265.
  • Housman, J. M., & Odum. (2023). Essential Concepts of Healthy Living. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Taylor Levy, Williams, R. D., Odum, M., Housman, J. M., & McDonald, J. (2022). COVID-19 stress, food security, and fruit and vegetable consumption among university students. Health Education Monograph.

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching, Texas State University. 2020
  • Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Education, Texas State University. 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Education, Texas State University. 2018
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Distinction Award for Excellence in Service, Texas State University. 2018
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Health Educator of the Year, Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. 2017

Selected Grants

  • Housman, Jeff M (Principal), Williams, Ronald Daniel (Principal). Tobacco Quit Line Evaluation and Outreach Assistance: Fresh Start Cessation Project, Texas Department of State Health Services & Texas A&M University Center for Community Health Development, State, $5851. (Funded: January 2017 - December 2017). Grant.
  • Housman, Jeff M (Principal), Williams, Ronald D (Co-Principal), McDonald, Jackie (Co-Principal), Evans, Jennifer L (Co-Principal). Tobacco Quit Line Evaluation and Outreach Assistance: The Last Drag Tobacco Cessation Program for LGBT and HIV+ Populations Phase II, Texas Department of State Health Services & Texas A&M University's Center for Community Health Development, State, $5000. (Submitted: January 1, 2016, Funded: August 26, 2015 - July 31, 2016). Grant.
  • Housman, Jeff M (Principal), Scott, Kenneth S (Principal). Creating a virtual environment for cue exposure and extinction among a high-risk alcohol abuse population, Research Enhancement Program, Institutional (Higher Ed), $16000. (Submitted: January 1, 2015, Funded: January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015). Grant.

Selected Service Activities

HHP Curriculum Committee
Public Health Educator, San Marcos Housing Authority
Faculty Evaluation Committee
April 1, 2015-Present
Editorial Review Board Member
The Health Educator, Eta Sigma Gamma National Health Education Honorary
January 1, 2015-Present
Editorial Review Board Member
American Journal of Health Studies