Faculty Profile for Dr. Michael O'Malley

Dr. Michael O'Malley
Dean, Education — College of Education
Professor — Dean's Office
ED 2001
phone: (512) 245-2150
Biography Section
Biography and Education
Michael P. O’Malley is Dean of the College of Education and Professor of Educational and Community Leadership at Texas State University. He served as a Fulbright Scholar in Chile and continues to lead collaborative educational and research exchanges with Chilean universities. O'Malley's research interests address the twinned focus areas of public pedagogies of social transformation and leadership for educational equity, and he takes up questions in these areas through poststructural and curriculum theories. His scholarship has been published in top ranked journals including Review of Educational Research and Educational Administration Quarterly. O’Malley serves as Co-Chair of the Presidential Commission on Student Success at Texas State. He collaboratively secured over $800,000 in external funding to stand up the university’s new four-year residential college experience for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities, is principal investigator for a U.S. Department of Education - Augustus F. Hawkins Center of Excellence grant ($2.74 million), and has been appointed Honorary Professor of International Studies. O'Malley served as Associate Director of Publications for the University Council for Educational Administration, President of the Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, and as an inaugural member of Austin ISD's Equity Advisory Committee. He received the 2023 Texas Council of Deans of Education Outstanding Leadership Award and was a 2023-2024 Fellow in the national Deans for Impact Academy. O’Malley is a proud former secondary school teacher and principal, and earned an Interdisciplinary Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Saint Joseph's University.Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- O’Malley, M. P. (2024). Queering critical education research: Methodological activism within a cultural location of the ‘not yet.’ In M. D. Young & S. Diem (Eds.), Handbook of Critical Education Research: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Emerging Approaches (pp. 153–182). Routledge. https://doi.org/https://doi-org.libproxy.txstate.edu/10.4324/9781003141464
- O’Malley, M. P., Sandlin, J. A., & Burdick, J. (2020). Public pedagogy theories, methodologies, and ethics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.1131
- O’Malley, M. P., & Capper, C. A. (2015). A measure of the quality of educational leadership programs for social justice: Integrating LGBTIQ identities into principal preparation. Educational Administration Quarterly, 51(2), 290–330. https://doi.org/DOI:10.1177/0013161X14532468
- O’Malley, M. P., & Nelson, S. W. (2013). The public pedagogy of student activists in Chile: What have we learned from the Penguins’ Revolution? Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 29(2), 41–56. Retrieved from http://journal.jctonline.org/index.php/jct/article/view/472
- Sandlin, J. A., O’Malley, M. P., & Burdick, J. (2011). Mapping the complexities of public pedagogy scholarship: 1894-2010. Review of Educational Research, 81(3), 338–375. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654311413395
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Honorary Professor of International Studies, Texas State University. April 2017 - Present
- Award / Honor Recipient: Texas Council of Deans of Education Outstanding Leadership Award, Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. October 2023
- Award / Honor Recipient: College Achievement Award in Teaching, Associate Professor/Full Professor Category, College of Education, Texas State University. 2012
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Distinction Award in Scholarship, Associate Professor/Professor Category, Texas State University. 2012
- Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alfred H. Nolle Chapter of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. September 2013 - December 2013
Selected Grants
- O'Malley, Michael P (Principal), Loper, L. (Supporting), King, Jeffry Todd (Co-Principal). Scaling innovative credentialing for Advanced Academics instructors in Texas, The Meadows Foundation, Private / Foundation / Corporate, $70000. (Funded: 2024 - 2025). Grant.
- O'Malley, Michael P (Principal), Coryell, Joellen E (Co-Principal), Ingram, Mitchell Dean (Co-Principal), Brooks, Maneka Deanna (Co-Principal), Porterfield, Jennifer Allison (Co-Principal). Accelerated Development of Aides into Professional Teachers (ADAPT), U.S. Department of Education, Augustus F. Hawkins Centers of Excellence, Federal, $2742217. (Funded: October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2029). Grant.
- O'Malley, Michael P (Principal). Leadership and educational action resource network: Building an educational research and improvement partnership in Chile, Embassy of the United State of America: Santiago de Chile, Federal, $10000. (Funded: July 1, 2015 - September 25, 2015). Grant.
- O'Malley, Michael P (Principal), Long, Tanya A (Co-Principal). Leadership and Education Action Resource Network: Binational Graduate Student Collaboration for Educational Improvement in Chile (Project LEARN-Chile), 100,000 Strong in the Americas, Federal, $25000. (Funded: May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016). Grant.
- O'Malley, Michael P (Principal), Walker, H. (Co-Principal). Chilean-US bilateral partnership to advance the quality of doctoral education in fields of educational research, Embassy of the United States, Santiago de Chile, Federal, $10400. (Funded: 2014). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Academic Affairs Workgroup for Responsibility Center Management Budget Model Design, Texas State University
May 2024-Present
Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
May 2021-May 2025
Associate Director of Publications
University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA)
August 2015-September 2023
Equity Advisory Committee, Austin Independent School District
March 2021-June 2023
Presidential Task Force for LGBTIQA+ Inclusion, Texas State University
January 2020-March 2020