Faculty Profile for Dr. Scott W Bowman

Dr. Scott W Bowman
Professor — School of Criminal Justice & Criminology
HILL 108
phone: (512) 245-3584
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Bowman, S. W. (2018). The Kids are Alright - Making a Case for Abolition of the Juvenile Justice System. Critical Criminology, 26(3), 393–405.
- Morley, R. H., Fulton, C. L., Bowman, S. W., & Trujillo, L. T. (2023). Exploring the Intersection of Mindfulness, Race Related Threat Perception Failure, and the Use of Deadly Force. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.
- Morley, R. H., Bowman, S. W., Fulton, C. L., Roche, S. P., Jantz, P. B., & Trujillo, L. T. (2021). Mindfulness, Self-Control, Implicit Bias, Race, Threat Perception Failure, and the Accidental Use of Deadly Force Against Off-Duty Police Officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 36(1), 86–95. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11896-019-09352-3
- Bowman, S. W. (2020). Intentional Inclusion – Thoughts on Galvanizing a Diverse and Inclusive University. In Cuentos & Testimonies: Diversity & Inclusion at Texas State University. Texas State University.
- Williams, H. E., Bowman, S. W., & Jung, J. T. (2019). The Limitations of Government Databases for Analyzing Fatal Officer-Involved Shootings in the United States. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 30(2), 201–222. https://doi.org/10.1177/0887403416650927
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts. August 2021
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Teaching, College of Applied Arts. August 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Service, College of Applied Arts. August 2018
- Award / Honor Recipient: Excellence in Teaching, College of Applied Arts. August 2016
- Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. 2015
Selected Grants
- Morley, Richard H (Principal), Smith, Kenneth Scott (Co-Principal), Metsis, Vangelis (Co-Principal), Trujillo, Logan Thomas (Co-Principal), Fulton, Cheryl Lisa (Co-Principal), Jantz, Paul B (Co-Principal), Bowman, Scott W (Co-Principal), Roche, Sean Patrick (Co-Principal). Exploring the intersection of mindfulness, stress, large-scale brain networks, bias, threat perception failure, and the decision to use deadly force using virtual reality, Texas State University, $16000. (Submitted: October 30, 2019, Funded: November 9, 2019 - Present). Grant.
- Bowman, Scott W. Bexar County Probation: Analysis of Revocation, $50000. (Funded: 2012). Grant.
- Bowman, Scott W. Research Enhancement Program (REP) Grant--“Implicit Associations Testing.”, $3295. (Funded: 2011). Grant.
- Bowman, Scott W, Travis, R.. Research Enhancement Program (REP) Grant--“Hip Hop and Positive Youth Development.”, $8000. (Funded: 2008). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Special Assistant to the Provost
July 1, 2018-Present
Naming Task Force
September 2020-April 2021
Texas Crime and Justice Center Advisory Board
November 2024-Present
City of San Marcos
February 2024-Present
McNair Scholars Committee
January 2023-Present