Faculty Profile for Dr. Sandra Elaine Duke

profile photo for Dr. Sandra Elaine Duke
Dr. Sandra Elaine Duke
Asst Professor of Practice — School of Family & Consumer Sciences
Asst Professor of Practice — School of Family & Consumer Sciences
FCS 101
phone: (512) 408-3412

Biography Section

Biography and Education

Dr. Duke has been at Texas State University since fall 2013 serving as Teacher Certification coordinator and student teacher supervisor for Family and Consumer Sciences. She teaches a variety of course for school in the fall semesters with spring semesters dedicated primarily to supervising student teachers.

Sandra Duke received her PhD in Family and Consumer Sciences Education from Texas Tech University with a minor in Cross-Cultural Studies. During her master’s and doctoral work, she had a ten-year career with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service as a county extension agent and regional program manager for Better Living for Texans (Food Stamp Nutrition Education). Other professional endeavors include secondary classroom experience in Family and Consumer Sciences as well as corporate and entrepreneurial experience.

Teaching Interests

Teacher preparation and methods and foundational family and consumer sciences integration.

Research Interests

Mobile Learning, Educational Effectiveness, Social Capital, Teacher Preparation and Retention

Selected Scholarly/Creative Work

  • Godfrey, R. V., & Duke, S. E. (2015). Global Perspectives on Mobile Learning in Home Economics/ Family and Consumer Sciences. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 44(2), 172–183. https://doi.org/10.1111/fcsr.12134
  • Duke, S. E., & Godfrey, R. V. (2014). Leadership in mobile technology: An opportunity for  family and consumer sciences teacher educators. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 106(3), 36–40.
  • Godfrey, R. V., & Duke, S. E. (2012). Home Economics and Mobile Learning: Reaching the Unreachable. In Global Sustainable Development: A Challenge or Consumer Citizens (e-book) (p. Available at www.educationforsustainabledevelopment.org). Bonn, Germany: International Federation for Home Economics.
  • Rambo, P. K., Thompson, L. D., & Duke, S. E. (2012). Food Science. Lubbock, Texas, United States: Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences. Retrieved from http://www.ccfcs.org/

Selected Awards

  • Award / Honor Recipient: Leader of the Year, American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences - Texas Affiliate. April 12, 2019
  • Award / Honor Recipient: 2017 College Award for Excellence, College of Applied Arts. August 25, 2017
  • Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alpha Delta Pi. December 2015

Selected Service Activities

FCS Teacher Certification Coordinator
September 1, 2014-Present
Professional Dispositions Committee for Educators
September 23, 2022-Present
Lockhart ISD Education and Training Advisory Board
September 1, 2021-Present
Texas FCS Alliance
June 1, 2021-Present
Texas Family, Community & Career Leaders of America (FCCLA) Board of Directors
September 1, 2020-Present